eveshell -u user -a admin => 'PLAIN authentication failure'
The account is configured admin in imapd.conf:
sieve_admins: admin
Since this account is used to enable / disable scheduled vaccation
messages it creates some problems.. any help would be appreciated.
> You're trying to use "proxy authentication". That only works with some
> SASL mechanisms, not all of them.
Yes, I know, we use "PLAIN" which does support that.
> Perhaps try the same with imtest and
> observe what mechanism is used? imtest is much more verbose than sieveshell.
r even 'info'.
My admin account seems to be admin still (no problem creating, removing
mailboxes or set acls).
Any idea what could have happend there?
Rainer Ruprechtsberger
Volkshilfe Oberösterreich
4020 Linz, Glimpfingerstrasse 48
Tel.: +43 732 3405 123
Mobil.: +43 676
On 8/12/20 11:59 AM, Marco wrote:
> I suggest to use the Cyrus::IMAP::Admin version provided by the Cyrus
> IMAP server. So, when you upgrade Cyrus IMAP, upgrade the Perl admin
> utility too and use that.
Thanks a lot. My problem came from installing cyrus from the debian
backports repositor
debug this would be appreciated.
Rainer Ruprechtsberger
Volkshilfe Oberösterreich
4020 Linz, Glimpfingerstrasse 48
Tel.: +43 732 3405 123
Mobil.: +43 676 8734 1123
ZVR Zahl: 064371505
Volkshilfe. Wir sind für die Menschen da.
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