I'm running Cyrus 2.0.7 on Solaris 8 but cannot seem to get sieve to
work. The seive scripts are server-side, under /usr/sieve
and the script is
if header :contains "from" "mickey" {
} else {
forward to [EMAIL PROTECTED];
The mail messages is deliverd to the user, as if it is ignor
I'm trying to deliver to a shared mailbox, on a Solaris 8 machine using
cyrus IMAPD-2.0.7 and sendmail 8.11.1
I've create a mailbox called TEST and gave anyone and anonymous p ACL.
In /etc/mail/Aaliases I put the line
test: |"/usr/cyrus/bin/deliver -m TEST "
After running newaliases and send
I;m running Cyrus 2.0.7 on a Solaris 8 box. I would like to prune the
deliverdb, but deliver no longer understands the -E <# of days> flag. Has
this feature been replaced with another flag?
uld be the
implications of the Cyrus code using an "older" version of kerberos.
Len Smith