"seen" flag for multiple users // cyrus and procmail

2003-02-25 Thread Kristian Rink
Hello all,... ...being pretty new to imap, I am running cyrus on top of several Debian woody machines inside some small / mid-range company networks. By now, I am quite happy about cyrus, procmail and postfix handling mail on my servers, still there are (right now) two things I couldn't get alon

cyrus 2.4.18 / ubuntu and autocreateinboxfolders?

2017-10-23 Thread Kristian Rink
Folks; trying to set up a new cyrus system on top of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (running cyrus 2.4.18), I fail to get the autocreateinboxfolder option to work. No errors to report - it simply doesn't seem to do anything, and I fail to get any more information why. So to ask: - I read that this feature orig

Re: cyrus 2.4.18 / ubuntu and autocreateinboxfolders?

2017-10-23 Thread Kristian Rink
Hi Nicola; thanks for your response. Am Dienstag, den 24.10.2017, 10:40 +1100 schrieb Nicola Nye: > > We would certainly encourage moving to 3.0 if you can : there's a lot > of old bugs that have been fixed as well as some great new features > you might want to use. > No doubt and I actually w

mailbox / user migration to a new server

2018-01-02 Thread Kristian Rink
Folks; we're in the process of moving an "old" (cyrus 2.2.13, local Unix users) IMAP structure to a "newer" installation (cyrus 2.4.18, ActiveDirectory users attached using winbind). In total I'm about to move somewhere next to 300GB of mail spool knowing that ... - ... all this data has to

Re: mailbox / user migration to a new server

2018-01-04 Thread Kristian Rink
Hi Sebastian; Am 02.01.2018 um 14:12 schrieb Sebastian Hagedorn: > > You could copy the spool directories individually. You just need to > create all the new directories first, and your copy script needs a > mapping from the old user name to the new one. Then your script can use > the "mbpath" ut

Debugging A5 BAD Unexpected extra arguments to Search ?

2018-10-23 Thread Kristian Rink
Hi all; we're running a Java (and Java Mail) based application interacting with our cyrus imapd server. Trying to use complex search terms (searching for multiple criterias, such as message-id and message date), we regularly (all the time?) end up with messages such as A5 BAD Unexpected extr

Re: Debugging A5 BAD Unexpected extra arguments to Search ?

2018-10-24 Thread Kristian Rink
Hi Ellie; ok, thanks for explaining. So I'll dive into the Java application and see whether debugging the search terms gets me any further. Cheers, Kristian Am 24.10.18 um 03:27 schrieb ellie timoney: The "A5" and "A7" are just the "tags" associated with the client's search commands, they hav

Transfer folder subscriptions

2018-10-24 Thread Kristian Rink
Folks; I'm in the process of moving mails between two cyrus installations in order to at some point switch over all users. So far using imapsync and doing so as cyrus user met most of my needs, however I so far fail to transfer each users folder subscriptions. Given user names and folder hie

Re: Debugging A5 BAD Unexpected extra arguments to Search ?

2018-10-24 Thread Kristian Rink
Am 24.10.18 um 21:38 schrieb Stephan: Couldn't this be debugged by enabling telemetry logging ? Or is this feature missing from the newer releases ? https://www.cyrusimap.org/2.5/imap/faqs/o-telemetry.html I will have a look at this, thanks. :) I'm currently moving from cyrus 2.2 (old Ubun