I have been trying to setup lmtp.conf on a frontend to
deliver mail via lmtp proxyd without any success. I
have installed Cyrus-imapd-2.3.11 and postfix-2.4.6.
Can soneome tell me whether UMich patch has been
ported to 2.3.x? I have something like;
"lmtp cmd="proxyd -C /etc/lmtp.conf"
Hello everyone!
I'm facing a problem, and don't know how to fix this. I have tried the list and
googled but couldn't find any solution. One of our user deleted a folder and
the folder name contains spaces e.g (New, Folder). Is there any possibility of
recovering such a folder? The imapd.conf us
Does web-cyradm + mysql + pam_mysql +
cyrus-imapd-2.2.3-4 combination work anymore, or
should I change the authentication mechanism? Any help
would be greatly appreciated.
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Finance: Get your refund fast by filing online.
Is it possible to use web-cyradm with
cyrus-imapd2.2.3-4? I need a working imapd.conf with
virtaul domains enabled.Please help me, I'm really
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Finance: Get your refund fast by filing online.
>From the last one week I have been trying setup this
thing, but nothing seems to be working properly. This
is what I'm trying to setup:
RH 9
cyrus-imapd-2.2.3-4 rpm
cyrus-sasl-2.1.17-2 rpm
postfix-2.0.18-1.mysql.rh9 rpm
mysql-3.23.58-1.9 rpm
Is there any possiblity of setting two or more
ldap_bases with LDAP ptloader? I have users on two
different LDAP servers with different suffixes e.g
dc=test,dc=com, and dc=example,dc=com.
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail ha
What is the expected release date of
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
Cyrus Home Page: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus
Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: http://
Yes I'm looking for Bug# 2806, mupdate process fix. I
have checked Bugzilla and its says this has been
fixed, so I'm just waiting for the release which
contains this bug fix.
--- Ken Murchison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Khalid Mehmood wrote:
> > What is
How can I compile cyrus-imapd-2.3.3 release, with
mupdate bug fix. I mean what files I have to replace
in order to get that problem fixed?
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
I'm running a "Test" murder setup using
cyrus-imapd-2.3.6 trying to use kerberos V
authentication between front-end and Mupdate Master. I
have a couple of questions regarding kerberos
1) Do I need a user principal on front-end along with
mupdate service key?
2) Do Mupdate Master and f
Is it possible to use both ldap (for users) and
kerberos (for fe, backends) in a murder setup?
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
Cyrus Home Page: http://asg.web.cmu.edu
How can lmtpproxy functionality be achieved with
cyrus-imapd-2.3.x? I mean if someone runs a
"Traditional" murder setup with discrete frontends,
and backends. I can't find a way to deliver mail from
frontend to backend either with lmtpunix or lmtp
I'm trying to setup cyrus-murder with kerberos5
authentication, but it doesn't seems to work. I have a
mupdate master, one frontend and two backends, each of
them running on separate machines. I have been
searching for documentation regarding kerberos5
authentication with cyrus-murder, but couldn't
Can someone tell me how to setup more then one replica
hosts in imapd.conf. The imapd.conf manual says: "The
"replicated" config is one in which multiple backend
servers all share the same mailspool, but each have
their own "replicated" copy of mailboxes.db." Defining
multiple instances of "sync_ho
I'm trying to setup a cyrus murder with discreet
frontend and backends with kerberos5 authentication. I
have keyed all machines and authentication is working
just fine with gssapi as far as the user login is
concerned. But I keep getting the following message on
my frontend and backends:
Thanks a lot Patrick for such a detailed reply, but
I'm still stuck at gssapi/murder setup. Do one needs
"mupdate/hostFQDN" service principle to make
murder/gssapi work? I have "host/FQDN", "imap/FQDN"
but still things doesn't work. The relevent part of
imapd.conf on my frontend machine:
Hello Aleksandar!
Did you find any solution? I'm experiencing the same
problem on both frontend and backend.
--- Aleksandar Milivojevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I've asked about this problem earlier while trying
> out version 2.3.1.
> I've just compiled 2.3.3 (Simon's SRPM pa
Cyrus-imapd-2.5.x wouldn't start with "mupatepush -m" enabled in cyrus.conf on
RHEL-7 after a system reboot. After disabling mupdatepush in cyrus.conf the
service starts just fine, and subsequent restarts with mupdatepush enabled also
work fine. Running a kerberized murder setup based on 2.4.x f
Is it possible to enable caldav/carddav support in a murder environment? Any
documention available about running caldav/carddav in a murder setup?
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What is the purpose of public addressbook, is it possible to manage public
addressbook in cyrus-imapd 3.0.x by some admin user? It would make admins life
easier if newly created users get added to public addressbook automatically.
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
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Does http proxy work in a cyrus murder environment? I keep getting ""PUT
HTTP/1.1" (if-none-match=*) => "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden"" on the frontend while
trying to add an entry i
Thanks for the help, I'll give it another try in a couple of days, and if it
didn't workout, I might go for the same solution or try nginx.
On Tuesday, February 18, 2020, 6:09:28 PM GMT+5, Jean-Christophe Delaye
On 2020-02-17 12:17, Khalid Mehmood Kha
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