Problems with repeated download of messages from pop3

2006-09-26 Thread Dan Ohnesorg
Even here was many times reported, that outlook has bug, which prevents users from using: leave message on pop3 server functionality. The problem seems be really related to length of UID of message. Occures on maiboxes, where are messages with mixed length, like: 1. 10. or 10. 100. It can be p

Re: Problems with repeated download of messages from pop3

2006-09-26 Thread Dan Ohnesorg
Dne Tue, Sep 26, 2006 at 04:09:54PM -0400, Joseph Brennan napsal: > According to our field support here, this bug is fixed by downloading > and applying all of the Service Pack updates. That is a really good > idea anyway so harm done. You will never get updates for outlook 97, 2000 and XP an th

Message IDS

2003-11-20 Thread Dan Ohnesorg
I have following problem, I have recovered IMAP server from backup. We have lost about 10 hours of emails. Now arriving emails are getting IDS, which are already used and are known to imap clients. For example there was already message 1234. and is lost, after recovering from backup the system

Re: Message IDS

2003-11-20 Thread Dan Ohnesorg
Dne Thu, Nov 20, 2003 at 10:25:03AM -0500, Ken Murchison napsal: After a day of work I can say somethink more. > Did you reconstruct the mailbox? If not, you should so that the > cyrus.index file gets updated. Yes, didn't help. > If this doesn't solve the problem, then you might want to try r