Restart from....? (DRP)

2018-06-18 Thread Albert Shih
Hi everyone I've a question about DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan), what's the easiest (= fastest) way to rebuild a server (with the data) after a server « disappear » (fire, water flood, etc.). I see three way to « backup »  the data : Replication, Backup service (inside cyrusimapd 3), Fil

Re: Restart from....? (DRP)

2018-06-18 Thread Niels Dettenbach via Info-cyrus
Am Montag, 18. Juni 2018, 09:46:02 CEST schrieb Albert Shih: > What do you think ? What's your DRP ? I shoot snapshots from the underlying FS of the spool partition(s) and the main DB files (skiplist) - incl. (incremental) filesystem dumps of them. in a desaster scenario it usually works well to

Re: Restart from....? (DRP)

2018-06-18 Thread Albert Shih
Le 18/06/2018 à 10:22:03+0200, Niels Dettenbach via Info-cyrus a écrit > Am Montag, 18. Juni 2018, 09:46:02 CEST schrieb Albert Shih: > > What do you think ? What's your DRP ? > I shoot snapshots from the underlying FS of the spool partition(s) and the > main DB files (skiplist) - incl. (incrementa

Re: Restart from....? (DRP)

2018-06-18 Thread Niels Dettenbach via Info-cyrus
Am Montag, 18. Juni 2018, 10:48:16 CEST schrieb Albert Shih: > Everything seem working fine, until I try to send the dataset on other > server. I just cannot send a zfs snapshot from this server to another. If > the dataset are small that's OK, but with the mailbox (~4To) the zfs > command just han

Re: Solaris (11) support

2018-06-18 Thread Jean-Christophe Delaye
On 06/18/2018 05:25 AM, ellie timoney wrote: > Hi Jean-Christophe, Thanks Ellie for your inputs. > > On Fri, Jun 15, 2018, at 5:49 PM, Jean-Christophe Delaye wrote: >> So this is why the first part of my >> question was to known if there are many running murder systems running >> on Solaris (11)


2018-06-18 Thread Sabine GOUDARD
- Mail original - De: À: Envoyé: Lundi 18 Juin 2018 11:19:32 Objet: Info-cyrus Digest, Vol 155, Issue 25 Send Info-cyrus mailing list submissions to To subscribe or unsubscrib

Re: Solaris (11) support

2018-06-18 Thread Marty Lee
Jean-Crishtophe, we use Cyrus on Solaris, but at the moment, haven’t used Murder - so can’t offer advice etc on that one directly. We’ve got a couple of big projects under way at the moment for some customers - once we’ve got those sorted, I can try to get a test setup going and see what happens

Re: Solaris (11) support

2018-06-18 Thread Jean-Christophe Delaye
On 06/18/2018 03:26 PM, Marty Lee wrote: > Jean-Crishtophe, > > we use Cyrus on Solaris, but at the moment, haven’t used Murder - > so can’t offer advice etc on that one directly. > > We’ve got a couple of big projects under way at the moment > for some customers - once we’ve got those sorted, I