
2007-11-30 Thread Vincent Fox
How "unsafe" is setting in imapd.conf skiplist_unsafe: 1 Our /var/cyrus/imap filesystem is on a ZFS mirror set on arrays with dual controllers so OS and/or hardware corruption is remote. The application can scramble it but that can happen whether we have sync or not eh? Anything I am missing?

Re: [POLL] timsieved STARTTLS implementation

2007-11-30 Thread Alexandros Vellis
> My question is this: If I fix timsieved to be compliant with the > MANAGESIEVE text (which has always been consistent), will this break > any client implementations? Avelsieve (or, more accurately, sieve-php.lib.php ManageSieve class) should work fine with the fix. Alexandros Cyrus Home

RE: Can't delete cyrus mailbox?

2007-11-30 Thread Leon Kolchinsky
> I imagine you know cyrus advise against admin account having mailbox ! > Is "cyrus" and admin account in imapd.conf ? > > Maybe you could try to create a second admin account in imapd.conf, > give him a password > and use this account to remove the "cyrus" mailbox. > > OR > > dump the mailboes

Re: TMPFS for socket and log directories?

2007-11-30 Thread Ian G Batten
On 30 Nov 07, at 0234, Vincent Fox wrote: > We had sym-linked imap/proc directory to a size-limited > TMPFS a while back. > > Now I'm thinking to do the same for imap/socket and imap/log > > Any reasons against? Other candidates? What's the point? The socket directory only contains a handful o