Re: aliasing/forwarding loop broken ...

2000-12-21 Thread Lawrence Greenfield
The distributed in 2.0.7 was suboptimal. The current suggestion is to remove the "5" flag from the Cyrus mailer. You can see the distributed with 2.0.9 as an example. Sorry, Larry Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 14:18:55 -0400 (AST) From: The Hermit Hacker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: aliasing/forwarding loop broken ...

2000-12-13 Thread The Hermit Hacker
On Wed, 13 Dec 2000, Michael Yount wrote: > Marc, > > I just tried eliminating the following rule from a test > on, and it appears to have solved the problem. > I'm not sure why this rule would create a rewriting loop. > > Michael > > :} > :}LOCAL_RULESETS >

Re: aliasing/forwarding loop broken ...

2000-12-13 Thread The Hermit Hacker
$+ < @ $=w . >$#cyrus $: + $1 LOCAL_RULESETS # if there's a plus part, we want to directly deliver it SLocal_localaddr R$+ + $*$#cyrus $@ $: $1 + $2 === On Tue, 12 Dec 2000, Michael Yount wrote: > From > > expn pgsql-admin-owner+M2

forwarding loop broken

2000-10-29 Thread Eric Sorenson
You need to remove the '5' from your mailer flags.. MAILER_DEFINITIONS Mcyrus, P=[IPC], F=lsDFMnqA5@/:|SmXz, E=\r\n, should be MAILER_DEFINITIONS Mcyrus, P=[IPC], F=lsDFMnqA@/:|SmXz, E=\r\n,