> It looks like internal debugging junk from our system leaked
> into a public build to me.
> Rob? Should we do a release without the 'contact rjlov'?
Richard fixed this, and I've pushed the latest code to:
You can get it from there for now.
On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 04:33:07PM +0100, Manel Gimeno Zaragozá wrote:
> Hello,
> any news about this "issue"? The only way it works in my environment is
> "delete" the lines tan set_unicode_folders in IMAPTalk source code.
It looks like internal debugging junk from our system leaked
into a
Subject: RE: UTF7 mailbox codification error
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 09:09:01 +0100
CC: rj...@fastmail.fm
I've made some test trying to check all cases and the results are:
Case 1:
set unicode folder : 1
folder name: user.gdatmgim.SPAM (without any stran
nd, I've installed IMAPTalk from "cpan" and I have 2.01 version.
#perldoc perllocal
PERLLOCAL(1) User Contributed Perl Documentation PERLLOCAL(1)
Thu Feb 23 19:38:12 2012: "Module" Mail::IMAPTalk
· "installed into: /usr/local/share/perl5"
> $IMAPs1->set_unicode_folders(1);
> $IMAPs2->set_unicode_folders(1);
> How can I avoid this error? Or force that the method do not "convert" the
> strings.
You explicitly said you want unicode folder support, but then explicitly
pass IMAP UTF-7 folder names rather than a perl unicode string.
As I been explaining in the thread "Problem recover replica" that I'm trying to
use Mail::IMAPTalk perl module to fetch some data. I've write this new thread
because I get an error when I try to execute the following code:
my $IMAPs1 = Mail::IMAPTalk->new(
Server => $