Re: Start problems

2005-04-20 Thread Berger, Stefan (IT- Management)
Hello back, check the entries of the sasldb2 database with sasldblistusers2. Is there an entry for cyrus? If not then type saslpasswd2 -c cyrus and select an password. Then yiu have to correct the rights on the /etc/sasldb2, type chmod 644 /etc/sasldb2.. the restart cyrus again and it should work.

Start problems

2005-04-20 Thread mailing
Hello everyone! This is my first time in the mailing list and I'm a new Cyrus user sobe patient... ;-) I'm running Cyrus on SuSE 9.2 professional, I've my user "cyrus" and cyrus is running, but when I try to run cyradm as cyrus I receive the following message: Segmentation fault and