Re: sync_client crash with sieve

2018-05-18 Thread Albert Shih
Le 18/05/2018 à 09:54:14+1000, Bron Gondwana a écrit > It sounds like the sieve file might be incorrect in some way? Either it Some are very very simple (forward -> external address). > doesn't parse with the current version of sievec, or it's got the wrong > permissions, or even the wrong namin

Re: sync_client crash with sieve

2018-05-17 Thread Bron Gondwana
It sounds like the sieve file might be incorrect in some way? Either it doesn't parse with the current version of sievec, or it's got the wrong permissions, or even the wrong naming. On our servers we have: websieve.script websievebc defaultbc -> websievebc As managed by having timsieved save a