I followed those steps:
1) shutdown imap daemon
2) rm /var/imap/db/*
3) rm /var/imap/tls_session.db and /var/imap/deliver.db
4) reconstruct -f (as cyrus user)
5) changed /usr/local/etc/imapd.conf in this manner:
#tlscache_db: berkeley-nosync
tlscache_db: skiplist
#ptscache_db: berkeley
> Thank you
> >Messaggio originale
> >Da: "Niels Dettenbach"
> >Data: 04/01/2017 11.28
> >A: , "absolutely_f...@libero.it"
> >Ogg: Re: R: Re: DBERROR: critical database situation
> >
> >Am Mi
Oh good, you can just delete those two BDB files with Cyrus shut down (and
change them to skiplist while you're at it!)
Once you've done that you can delete everything in the $confdir/db folder too.
(delete might mean take a copy somewhere else until you're happy everything is
working of course
Am Mittwoch, 4. Januar 2017, 12:08:55 CET schrieb absolutely_free--- via Info-
> After deleting /var/imap/db/*, /var/imap/mailboxes.db and
> /var/imap/deliver.db, it rans fine for about 20 minutes, and after:
tls_sessions and deliver.db are not important (afaik) .
Files within ./db ARE impo
Indeed, with all the right libraries. You can't upgrade libdb without
everything going to shit, which is why we have ditched BDB - the upgrade
path is bogus.
On Wed, 4 Jan 2017, at 21:20, absolutely_free--- via Info-cyrus wrote:
> Hi Bron,
> thank you for you reply.
> What do y
I am wondering what is my best option?
Upgrade to 2.4 (at least)?
Thank you
>Messaggio originale
>Da: "Niels Dettenbach"
>Data: 04/01/2017 11.28
>A: , "absolutely_f...@libero.it"
>Ogg: Re: R: Re: DBERROR: critical database situation
>Am Mittw
Am Mittwoch, 4. Januar 2017, 11:18:42 CET schrieb absolutely_free--- via Info-
> ./tls_sessions.db: Berkeley DB (Btree, version 9, little-endian)
> ./deliver.db: Berkeley DB (Btree, version 9, little-endian)
> So, I can convert tls_sessions and deliver db to skiplist format, right?
> How