Igor Brezac wrote:
On Mon, 31 Oct 2005, O Plameras wrote:
I've used imtest in testing my Cyrus-IMAPD setup and I noticed
what seems to be strange, which I'll explain after I've stated
my setup.
My setup
1. OS - Fedora Core 4 - kernel-2.6.13-1.1526_FC4
2. OpenLDAP-2.2.29-1.FC4
3. Cyrus
On Mon, 31 Oct 2005, O Plameras wrote:
I've used imtest in testing my Cyrus-IMAPD setup and I noticed
what seems to be strange, which I'll explain after I've stated
my setup.
My setup
1. OS - Fedora Core 4 - kernel-2.6.13-1.1526_FC4
2. OpenLDAP-2.2.29-1.FC4
3. Cyrus-SASL-2.1.21-5_rhfc4
On Mon, 31 Oct 2005, O Plameras wrote:
I've used imtest in testing my Cyrus-IMAPD setup and I noticed
what seems to be strange, which I'll explain after I've stated
my setup.
My setup
1. OS - Fedora Core 4 - kernel-2.6.13-1.1526_FC4
2. OpenLDAP-2.2.29-1.FC4
3. Cyrus-SASL-2.1.21-5_rhfc4