We have a handful with "prefork=1 maxchild=1" (one for each service
type) listening on separate ports that can be connected for debugging.
The advantage here being that the process is already waiting for you to
connect a debugger before using it.
But yeah, otherwise we have prefork=0 at FastMail to
On 25/06/2018 14:39, Albert Shih wrote:
Hi everyone,
I would like to know when that's become usefull to use prefork (for imap)
and how much you set the prefork (vs nb of users).
We have prefork=0 set on all Cyrus services for many years now.
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyru
Hi everyone,
I would like to know when that's become usefull to use prefork (for imap)
and how much you set the prefork (vs nb of users).
Albert SHIH
DIO bâtiment 15
Observatoire de Paris
xmpp: j...@obspm.fr
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