27 Sep 2005 14:46:26 -0400, Jeffrey T Eaton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> I've created the "log" directory under "/usr/local/etc" (where> imapd.confresides) and under " "/usr/local/cyrus" (where binary tools> are), restarted> imap but nothing happened.
>> Does anyone know where this directories should re
> I've created the "log" directory under "/usr/local/etc" (where
> imapd.confresides) and under " "/usr/local/cyrus" (where binary tools
> are), restarted
> imap but nothing happened.
> Does anyone know where this directories should reside in FreeBSD? I haven't
> found any knob for this in th
2005/9/27, Chris Hilts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-Hash: SHA1> not sure how he's accessing (dial-in, dsl, etc) but your could certainly> catch him by doing a tcpdump filtering on pop3 (and hopefully) his ip> address. you'll see the DELE command in the data section of the
Hash: SHA1
> not sure how he's accessing (dial-in, dsl, etc) but your could certainly
> catch him by doing a tcpdump filtering on pop3 (and hopefully) his ip
> address. you'll see the DELE command in the data section of the tcp
> packets ...
> of course, some
hi franco,
On Tue, 2005-09-27 at 13:28 -0300, Franco Bruno Borghesi wrote:
> Yeps, that's what I told him. But I've got no access to his home
> computer, and he keeps saying that his computer is correctly
> configured. That's why I would like to have a record in the log file.
not sure how he's
2005/9/27, lartc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
hi francoif i had to guess -- the client machine using pop3 has it setup todelete messages rather than leaving them on the server. so when the userchecked his mail using pop3, all the message went locally to that
machine.cheerscharlesOn Tue, 2005-09-27 at 12:30
hi franco
if i had to guess -- the client machine using pop3 has it setup to
delete messages rather than leaving them on the server. so when the user
checked his mail using pop3, all the message went locally to that
On Tue, 2005-09-27 at 12:30 -0300, Franco Bruno Borghes
Hi everyone on this list. This is my very first post, although I've been using cyrus imap for a couple of years now.
My question is: is there any way to log when a user deletes/purges an email from his account?
There is an user of an imap installation who told me a couple of weeks
ago that he had