From: "Adonis El Fakih" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> However there is a question that now pops to mind...
> Every time a quota is set, a file in created under
> If the number of users is large i.e. over 30k users, you will have
> problems under linux, since you can not create
n for Cyrus to scale it? We have over
300k accounts now, and problems are showing on a steady pace.
Thanks in advance..
On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, Adonis El Fakih wrote:
> Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 02:17:08 -0500 (EST)
> From: Adonis El Fakih <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"autocreatequota" only applies to user-created INBOXs (when the user
connects to the imap server and issues a "CREATE INBOX"). Most
clients won't do this; it's mostly meant as a local hack for utilities
that allow a user to establish their own IMAP inbox.
Administrators creating a user's mailbox
Hi Adonis,
I am also using cyrus-v1.5.19 and I have tried to get autocreatequota to
work in imapd.conf without success. Boxes continue to be created without
If anyone know why this is I would like to know how to fix it!
Kind regards,
Emil JV. Björsell
On Tue, Nov 21, 2000 at 02:17:0
We are using cyrus-imapd-v1.5.19 with sendmail, and we want to inforce a
quota limit of 20Mb. Can someone help me get the right configuratioin
This is what I have so far...
Mcyrus, P=/usr/cyrus/bin/deliver, F=lsDFMoqSPn9A5@, S=10, R=20/40, T=X-Unix,