Le 06/07/2018 à 14:03:49+1000, Bron Gondwana a écrit
> At the moment the donations to the project are in the form of people's time or
> services that the project needs, but we don't have any facility for handling
> cash donations. We've talked about moving the project out from CMU into an
Hi Hans,
At the moment the donations to the project are in the form of people's
time or services that the project needs, but we don't have any facility
for handling cash donations. We've talked about moving the project out
from CMU into an organisation which specialises in supporting open
couldn't find a donate-link at cyrusimap.org, and searching the net with
'cyrus imap donat' returns no results on donating.
Is there no need for donations?
Hoermann Solutions
Johann Hörmann
- Software Analyse, Design, Entwicklung -
- Netzwerk Administration