Hi mates!
I don't really know where the difference is, but in the dev environment,
searches are hugely faster. I know, in dev is not the same as production
in terms of muas traffic and so... but... we are talking in differences
like from 5 seconds to perhaps 40-50 seconds and obviously when sayin
thanks a lot mate!
I'm doing checks... for comparing the previous testing env and live
production :)
Departamento de sistemas
944 209 470
Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103
48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia)
www.sarenet.es [1]
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On Wed, Feb 13, 2019, at 2:24 PM, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea wrote:
> Or.. if using in imapd.conf "search_fuzzy_always: 1" isn't it?.
Yes, that will instruct imapd to always use FUZZY search for IMAP SEARCH
commands [1]. If you use JMAP, it always use fuzzy search (and hence the
Xapian backend).
Or.. if using in imapd.conf "search_fuzzy_always: 1" isn't it?.
If a search returns results... I assume is going through it... isn't
it?. else.. I assume nothing would be found... I really attached too the
configs (in url format of pastebin), https://pastebin.com/CtCEedty just
for... the cause y
Hi Egoitz,
On Wed, Feb 13, 2019, at 1:10 PM, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea wrote:
> Xapian version is xapian-core-1.4.9_1 (FreeBSD port). Could I see by
> some debbuging log Xapian is working in the searchs in order to know,
> that can't be faster and that all is ok?. At the moment I have tree
> tiers. But
Hi mates!
This has been the great day. We have upgraded a server pair
(master/slave). Almost all has gone fine, apart from the fact that we
have two extrange issues :
- Some users had found their folders unsubscribed and seems the same
too, lost them Sieve filters. Perhaps due to autocreate or