I never tried to use the tcp_keepalive option as suggested in recent followup,
but faced the same issue: I solved it by running nginx as imap-proxy in front
of Cyrus. First just for the imaps connections, but I guess most people used
that anyway so I’m not sure it was TLS related - or indee
Am 12.09.2016 um 05:01 schrieb Andy Dorman via Info-cyrus:
Hi everyone. We have 14 Debian servers running the current Debian
release of Cyrus imap 2.5.9.
We upgraded from 2.4.18 to 2.5.9 on Aug 28, upgraded the cyrus.conf &
imapd.conf to rename the deprecated options and switch from skiplist to
> We now have 4 of the 14 servers where the number of imapd processes
> slowly grows and usually within 12-14 hours reaches the imapd process
> limit (currently set to 100).
How many user accounts are on these servers? Each client connection
constitutes one imapd process on the server.
It's my
Hi everyone. We have 14 Debian servers running the current Debian
release of Cyrus imap 2.5.9.
We upgraded from 2.4.18 to 2.5.9 on Aug 28, upgraded the cyrus.conf &
imapd.conf to rename the deprecated options and switch from skiplist to
twoskip for all our dbs. Our cyrus.conf and imapd.con (m