> Nice! Is this code available for public consumption? I'd love to use
> something like this to strip out \0s in messages too. Most of the other
> "solutions" for cyrus/postfix that I've seen required an additional
> exec() in the delivery pipeline, which I would like to avoid.
It's all done i
On Tue, 2007-02-27 at 16:56 +1100, Rob Mueller wrote:
> > As of RFC 2045, Content-Type syntax should be:
> > content := "Content-Type" ":" type "/" subtype *(";" parameter)
> >
> > Shouldn't cyrus still interpret this as text/html, despite the illegal "
> > boundary..." line following Content-Type
As of RFC 2045, Content-Type syntax should be:
content := "Content-Type" ":" type "/" subtype *(";" parameter)
Shouldn't cyrus still interpret this as text/html, despite the illegal "
boundary..." line following Content-Type ?
I've noticed this too, and while it clealy is broken with respect t
I came across an e-mail with following oddness in its headers:
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Apparently , as there's a ";" missing after text/html , cyrus 2.3.7
interprets this as text/plain and so returns fol