Thanks for tracking that down. It's now on the cyrus-imapd-2.5 branch,
and will be in the next release.
On Fri, Apr 22, 2016, at 11:11 PM, Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus wrote:
> rsto--- via Info-cyrus wrote on 21/04/16 22:51:
> > P.S.: I am based in Vienna as well, so feel free t
rsto--- via Info-cyrus wrote on 21/04/16 22:51:
> P.S.: I am based in Vienna as well, so feel free to reach out to me :)
Thanks for your offlist help. I think you pointed me in the right direction.
2.5.7 announces VPOLL for all except iOS/8 devices. HEAD doesn't announce
VPOLL at all
Hi Wolfgang,
On Thu, Apr 21, 2016, at 17:27, Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus wrote:
> One problem we have is that iOS can access the Account and creates a new
> Kalender on first access, but it does not use/detect the Default
> calendar. It
> creates one with long UID name like 22xxx9EA-EFxx-4Exx-
In our efforts to move on to 2.5 we also try to support caldav/carddav for our
employees. In our tests we tried to share the Default calendar through as many
devices/platforms as possible (not only) including Thundbird, OSX and iOS.
One problem we have is that iOS can access the Account and c