Re: are these error messages severe? and how to fix them?

2008-05-20 Thread mahecha
Thanks, all for your responses I still have some questions, though: 1. under what conditions will cyrus delete or "hide" messages from the users' (and admins) sight if it does it at all? 2. Ihave been running this cyrus for about 2 yrs now, and never done any maintenance; does cyrus tak

are these error messages severe? and how to fix them?

2008-05-19 Thread mahecha
greetings all. This morning a user called me saying that he was using reading his email (via squirrelmail) in one computer, then he logged out, and some time later went to another computer open squirrelmail, and his mail was gone I checked directly in the mailstore and he had only a couple

sizing cyrus installation and current performance improvements?

2008-03-21 Thread mahecha
I've noticed that sometimes I get some error like "imap server not reponding..." I now things are woking ok if you wait a few seconds and try to repeat the action, then it is executed with no error... I run sendmail and cyrus in the same box (dell 2850, 8GB of ram, 2 dual core xeon @ 2GHz)

sendmail tcp lmtp to cyrus, lmtp_over_quota_perm_failure: 1 not working?

2008-03-15 Thread mahecha
hum I was playing with sendmail-to-lmtp over tcp... got it working, but adter testing the other imap.conf options, came to find out that lmtp_over_quota_perm_failure: 1 does not work as with the lmtp via socket. messages do not get delivered to over-quota user, but he/she is allowed to send

imap refusing connections while pop3 is not

2008-03-13 Thread mahecha
yesterday I was using squirrelmail to try send a message via my cyrus... i got an "imap server refused connection" "server busy; try again later" "unable to open imap thread" message; i tried pop3 with my outlook and it worked; i was able to send the message (esmtp/sendmail). log files did not

using drbd

2008-03-04 Thread mahecha
Does anybody know if this will work with cyrus to create some kind of cyrus cluster? or at least a failover? Thanks Cyrus Home Page: Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: List Archives/Info:

Re: possible sieve/cyrus redirect issue?

2008-03-01 Thread mahecha
...just did thanks I thought cyrus was already trusted by sendmail (group mail), might this have some security consecuenses? Do you have any comments about the other (deeper) issue? Thanks again > -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- > Hash: SHA1 > > On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 10:10:46AM -060

possible sieve/cyrus redirect issue?

2008-02-28 Thread mahecha
We useĀ  Cyrus IMAP4 v2.2.12-Invoca-RPM-2.2.12-8.1.RHEL4 server ready ESMTP Sendmail 8.13.1/8.13.1; Thu, 28 Feb 2008 09:52:17 -0600 and squirrelmail 1.4 Here is the issue... some of my users login to webmail (squirrelmail), send a message, and a copy is placed in their Sent folder (I can tell

Re: Squirrelmail with Cyrus

2007-12-07 Thread Rafael Mahecha
Good morning. I think it would depend on what your cyrus/sendmail is using (pam, etc.) Then, in the squirrelmail config (./ you configure the imap server address and there is a setting asking for login (authentication) type; e.g., login, plain, cram,etc. -- -- -- Rafael Mahecha E

Re: pop3d 100% cpu

2007-11-21 Thread Rafael Mahecha
download that to their computer? I think cyrus has a max_size option ... or may be lmtp... which tells it to fail if it finds a message larger than that -- -- -- Rafael Mahecha E-mail Administrator Office of Information Management Jackson State University JSU e-Center 1230 Raymond Road Jackson, MS

inserting mails in a users mailbox

2007-10-29 Thread Rafael Mahecha
named 1. 2. 4. etc. then they might be over-written. Any ideas? Thanks for support -- -- -- Rafael Mahecha E-mail Administrator Office of Information Management Jackson State University JSU e-Center 1230 Raymond Road Jackson, MS 39204 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (601)-979-1783 http://www

Re: LARGE single-system Cyrus installs?

2007-10-04 Thread Rafael Mahecha
major problems. -- -- -- Rafael Mahecha E-mail Administrator Office of Information Management Jackson State University JSU e-Center 1230 Raymond Road Jackson, MS 39204 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (601)-979-1783 On Thu, October 4, 2007 1:04 pm, Vincent Fox wrote

problems with quota warning script

2007-06-20 Thread Rafael Mahecha
I'm running these: centos 5 Linux 2.6.18-8.1.4.el5 #1 SMP Thu May 17 03:16:52 EDT 2007 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux cyrus-imapd-2.3.7-1.1.el5 sendmail-8.13.8-2.el5 I have sucessfully configured and ran the quota warnings script ( Written by Mark Borrie, ITS, Uni

Re: GUI to administrate cyrus

2007-03-19 Thread Rafael Mahecha
There is also something called webmin ( that has a third party module to admin cyrus. -- -- -- Rafael Mahecha E-mail Administrator Office of Information Management Jackson State University JSU e-Center 1230 Raymond Road Jackson, MS 39204 (601)-979-1783

Re: Cyrus 2.2.10: autocreatequota?

2007-03-09 Thread Rafael Mahecha
For this quota to work, the inbox needs to have recieved email via pop or lmtp... if the user has never logged in, or if he has never gotten email, then you cannot change the quota. -- -- -- Rafael Mahecha E-mail Administrator Office of Information Management Jackson State University JSU e

diplay quota for all users

2006-12-21 Thread Rafael Mahecha
::::::: Rafael Mahecha Email / Systems Administrator JSU OIM - Web Services [EMAIL PROTECTED] : Cyrus Home Page: Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: List A

Re: diplay quota for all users

2006-12-21 Thread Rafael Mahecha
sorry... one more thing... is this the man page that are talking about? - Original Message - From: "Andrew Morgan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Rafael Mahecha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: "Cyrus Info List&

Re: diplay quota for all users

2006-12-21 Thread Rafael Mahecha
Thanks for the quick answer, Andrew. what about any data corruption? I mean, is there a quota db? - Original Message - From: "Andrew Morgan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Rafael Mahecha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: "Cyrus Info List" Sent: Thursday, Dec

how to backup a cyrus server?

2006-12-04 Thread Rafael Mahecha
: Rafael Mahecha Email / Systems Administrator JSU OIM - Web Services [EMAIL PROTECTED] : Cyrus Home Page: Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: http