Re: Mailbox is locked by POP server

2006-12-19 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Martin, Personally I do not use POP3 any more - however I remember that there was a limitaition of 1 connection per mailbox in other servers. May the reason be that some client software isn't properly closing the connection (no quit for example)? Or just lost connections due to the loss of in

Re: shared mailboxes - all so present on the web - no light yet

2006-12-13 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi, I just created a shared mailbox where users can subscribe and post to by addressing [EMAIL PROTECTED] mail gets delivered correctly. But I'm trying to achieve that [EMAIL PROTECTED] gets delivered to this shared mailbox. I must admit that I don't fully understand what you want to achie

Re: Quota exclusion per mailbox?

2006-12-02 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:Re: Quota exclusion per mailbox? Date: 2. Dezember 2006 19:58:59 MEZ To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi, On 02.12.2006, at 13:59, Anders Norrbring wrote: I'm facing a rather annyoing problem, clients who tries to delete

Re: IMAP/POP traffic accounting

2006-11-30 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Anthony, I'm not 100% sure - but 99%, so I hope this answer is ok ;-) There is no implementation in Cyrus and I think nobody has thought about doing it. Somebody reported that Perdition logs the bytes sent and received, and suggested one could use that in the last thread. I haven't yet tried

Re: Mailbox does not exist

2006-09-02 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
On 01.09.2006, at 20:10, Cristian Mitrana wrote: * Wil Cooley wrote [Friday, September 01, 2006 09:00:00 AM -0700] On Wed, 2006-08-30 at 13:18 +0200, Bart Van Loon wrote: > Actually, that's how I think it should work - I'm not sure, though, as > I never used deliver... so how do you hav

Re: Mailbox does not exist

2006-09-01 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi, On 01.09.2006, at 17:55, Hajimu UMEMOTO wrote: this did the trick. damnit, I even quoted this from the manpage. the reason I didn't think about permissions problems was the errormessage clearly stating that the mailbox didn't "exist" and that I checked at the filesystem persmissions. balt

Re: a dot in the name ?

2006-08-31 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi, On 31.08.2006, at 14:11, Jorey Bump wrote: Mario Pavlov wrote: hello guys ;) I'm using cyrus-imap + cyrus-sasl + postfix as my mail system it works fine but I need to add an account with a dot in the name (e.g. [EMAIL PROTECTED]) and I don't know how to do that I'm using cyradm for creati

Re: Mailbox does not exist

2006-08-30 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Bart, Maybe it's a permission problem - try (but remove it later), to grant "p" rights to the folder to anybody. cyradm> sam user.bbbart.Lists.gphoto.devel anyone p this did the trick. damnit, I even quoted this from the manpage. the reason I didn't think about permissions problems was th

Re: Mailbox does not exist

2006-08-30 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Bart, On 30.08.2006, at 10:43, Bart Van Loon wrote: On Tue, 2006-08-29 at 21:25 +0200, former03 | Baltasar Cevc wrote: Hi Bart, user.bbbart.Lists.gphoto.devel (\HasNoChildren) [...] alex # echo "" | /usr/local/cyrus/bin/deliver -m

Re: Mailbox does not exist

2006-08-29 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Bart, user.bbbart.Lists.gphoto.devel (\HasNoChildren) [...] alex # echo "" | /usr/local/cyrus/bin/deliver -m user.bbbart.Lists.gphoto.devel +user.bbbart.Lists.gphoto.devel: Mailbox does not exist alex # logout [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ echo "" | /usr/local/cyrus/bin/deliver -m

Re: Multiple username/passwords pointing to the same mailbox .. possible?

2006-08-21 Thread former03|Baltasar Cevc
--On 21. August 2006 00:19:58 -0700 Nikola Milutinovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I am currently migrating a large number of IMAP/POP accounts from one server to another. The old server using a schema of CLIENTID-0, CLIENTID-1 etc as the naming schema, and it is required that the new server

Re: Multiple username/passwords pointing to the same mailbox .. possible?

2006-08-21 Thread former03|Baltasar Cevc
Hi Malcom, I am currently migrating a large number of IMAP/POP accounts from one server to another. The old server using a schema of CLIENTID-0, CLIENTID-1 etc as the naming schema, and it is required that the new server use the [EMAIL PROTECTED] naming schema. You cold manage authorization u

Re: Sieve vacation rule not working..

2006-08-20 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Nix, I never coded sieve myself (Horde ingo is my friend ;-) - however I think there should be quotes about the text. Another think you should make sure ist to check that your address is in the to or cc (I think that can be done using the "addresses" parameter (maybe the lack hereof in your

Re: How to restrict pop/imap access by user/group names

2006-08-15 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Kai, On 15.08.2006, at 19:11, Kai Wang wrote: Thanks, Baltasar . I understood the main idea. Currently we use one imapd.conf file. We configured cyrus -> saslauthd -> pam -> (cas) ldap to do authentication. We want to use pam.cas but haven't tested it yet. We can not do a select statement.

Re: How to restrict pop/imap access by user/group names

2006-08-15 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Kai, On 14.08.2006, at 22:18, Kai Wang wrote: We want to restrict some users only to use pop and some users only to use imap. Can anybody tell me how to do that? the answer to that question heavily depends on your configuration. Because of that I can only give you a pointer to where to start

Re: Shared folders

2006-08-15 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Paul, So far I know this are shared folders. Is it possible to receive mail directly in a shared folder? If yes: how? The way to do it is to designate a "postuser" (most commonly "cyrus") in Cyrus imapd.conf. Then you can submit mails via SendMail or PostFix, via virtual users: [EMAIL PR

Re: Shared folders

2006-08-15 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Rudy, hi list, On 14.08.2006, at 23:18, Rudy Gevaert wrote: former03 | Baltasar Cevc wrote: I don't fully understand the above. Say I want the following shared folders: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Just to make that clear to everyone because it is not very obvious using vi

Re: Shared folders

2006-08-14 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Paul, yes, you can do it - use + as destination mailbox (append your server name or whatever delivery domain you want to use). Take care that the user you use for delivery has post permissions to that folder. The other possibility (which is better if you want to be able to filter mails) is to u

Re: cyrus force pop3 clients to leave messages on server

2006-07-30 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
If I'm not mistaken that's impossible due to the POP3 protocol restrictions, the messages are removed using the DELE command, and there's some command to get the numers of the messages and UUIDs. If this assumption is right, the only possibilities would be to prevent deletion using ACL (which wo

Re: How does aliases work with cyrus?

2006-07-15 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
On 15.07.2006, at 08:14, Michael Johnson wrote: On Jul 15, 2006, at 1:12 AM, Jim John wrote: If a user is an alias such as [EMAIL PROTECTED], how does cyrus forward mail to a different user such as [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thank you. That's not really a function of the MDA. Your MTA should be do

Re: Cyrus 2.3.7 Replication Question

2006-07-12 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
I would like to set up replication between two Cyrus servers A and B. Server A will replicate to server B and Server B will replicate to server A. > [...] Will this work in Cyrus 2.3.7?  It won't. Cyrus currently only supports unidirectional replication. Baltasar _ former 03 gmbh _

Re: Delivering to a certain folder

2006-06-28 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Marten, Thus a spam-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] would be stored to /var/spool/mail/t/te/ instead of /var/spool/mail/t/te/ How can I do this with Cyrus? I guess we cannot specify a certain directory for delivery, but can we set the folder somehow (deliver to

Re: problem delivering messages

2006-06-15 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Luis, On 15.06.2006, at 06:05, Luís Cargnini wrote: more errors: Jun 15 01:11:47 shark ctl_cyrusdb[27710]: done checkpointing cyrus databases Jun 15 01:11:47 shark master[27627]: process 27710 exited, status 0 Jun 15 01:11:59 shark master[27721]: about to exec /usr/lib/cyrus/lmtpd Jun 15 0

Re: Cyrus unhappiness

2006-06-14 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi David, On 14.06.2006, at 22:41, David Korpiewski wrote: My cyrus installation is unhappy. Seems the LMTPD won't stay running. To better understand why this little daemon won't run, can someone point me to some good information to understand the interaction here: Postfix accepts email ->

Re: Automatic spam folder creation and delivery

2006-06-13 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Mordur, I would like to be able to put messages thus marked in a special mailbox for each user, something like this user/john/[EMAIL PROTECTED] I would like this mailbox to be automatically created whenever I create a new user. It can't be done using the default cyrus code - maybe the

Re: Postfix Routing & Cyrus Virtdomains

2006-06-13 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Pedro, The docs state that virtual mailbox, need some extra suff set up, namely virtual_mailbox_base. How would this help with several backends? I can't define several cyrus backends, can I? And how exaclty does virtual_mailbox help in this scenario, since mail must be routed to the a

Re: problem delivering messages

2006-06-13 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Luis, hi i've installeed cyrus-imap+sendmail. My messages are not been delivered to my imap user what could be happening Have a look at the logs, they should give some valuable hints. If you don't find an answer there, mail the relevant lines and your software versions, then you'll probab

Re: Postfix Routing & Cyrus Virtdomains

2006-06-13 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Pedro, Postfix does that without problems in general. You probably have some config error. You should only need to set virtual_mailbox_transport = lmtp||cyrus:, virtual_mailbox_domains = gives you the domains to be used with the virtual mailbox transport> (e.g. a file that contains VIRTU

Re: root and sieve scripts

2006-06-09 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Martin, On two different imapd servers I'm not able to forward root's mail with redirect "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";, also not with websieve. All other users works perfect. What did I wrong? Maybe the mails are redirected using aliases before (see /etc/aliases, qmail is somewhat different, but I

Re: "Mailbox does not exist" while appears on lm

2006-06-07 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Jerome, that sounds like a permission problem. Make sure that the user that is used for delivery is listed in lmtp_admins in imapd.conf or give it the permissions to post (p, if I'm not mistaken) to the mailbox. You'll either have some explicit configuration for the user in the MTA settin

Re: no global admin with virtual domains? [was Re: saslpasswd and virtual domains]

2006-05-17 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Rudy, On 17.05.2006, at 10:29, Rudy Gevaert wrote: former03 | Baltasar Cevc wrote: Hi Rudy, On 16.05.2006, at 11:39, Rudy Gevaert wrote: But as you can see the [EMAIL PROTECTED] user doesn't list any mailboxes or create any mailboxes. Does anybody have any clues? I just had a look

Re: no global admin with virtual domains? [was Re: saslpasswd and virtual domains]

2006-05-16 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Rudy, On 16.05.2006, at 11:39, Rudy Gevaert wrote: But as you can see the [EMAIL PROTECTED] user doesn't list any mailboxes or create any mailboxes. Does anybody have any clues? I just had a look at my config - I've set servername and defaultdomain to the same value ('jura') - maybe you

Re: no global admin with virtual domains? [was Re: saslpasswd and virtual domains]

2006-05-15 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Rudy, On 15.05.2006, at 08:49, Rudy Gevaert wrote: mitrohin a.s. wrote: defaultdomain always is removed from username. imho, sasl routines use hostname as realm for this case. Sadly If I set the default domain to the hostname from the machine and add the user 'cyrus' with saslpasswd it

Re: cyrus + postfix problem

2006-04-28 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Lukasz, that's a classical postfix thing - change your virtual_mailbox_transport to "cyrus:" or something similar (you apparently just use "cyrus" or equivalent) - the syntax is :: or :other destination> (depending on what arguments the transport needs) - see man transport(5). B

Re: cyrus + postfix problem

2006-04-27 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Lukasz, this looks like they only get back into postfix (after the virus scanner, probably) and then bounces when trying to deliver them to cyrus. It's strange that you have it in the mailbox, though - could you send the cyrus On 27.04.2006, at 13:34, Lukasz Michalski wrote: This is my

Re: period in name

2006-04-12 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
No, you must use unixhierarchysep - otherwise the dot is the delimiter, meaning that you would have three levels of mailboxes with this (user -> first -> last). I don't think you will experience any problems - any server that uses names with dots has to change this and I think IMAP server and c

Re: virtdomains dilemma

2006-03-26 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Ryan, I had similar trouble before. I ended up with setting defaultdomain and servername to the same value and the problems were gone... My admin is specified without any domain. Hope that you will solve the problem soon, Baltasar Cyrus Home Page: Cyrus Wi

Re: Virtual Domains in separate directories - how?

2006-03-20 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi, as far as I know, Web-yradm will always maps an address to some address @ the server hostname ([EMAIL PROTECTED] will become virtual.domain will map to virtual.domain.mailbox1 or something similar). As cyrus only sees this mapped address, all mailboxes _are_ in the same domain from its point o

Re: Mailbox does not exist

2006-02-22 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Sebastien, On 22.02.2006, at 00:04, Sébastien Mahé wrote: I've even created three mailboxes : - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - user/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Depending on your hierarchy separator, one of the latter ones should be enough. The first one is certainly irrelevant (you'd have to

Re: escaping the '@' symbol

2006-02-01 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi David, > Again, I'm looking for info on where and how to escape the '@' > symbol in usernames with the form [EMAIL PROTECTED] For Cyrus you can replace it by an percent sign - will work. However that's Cyrus, as far as I know it won't work with Postfix for example (ev

Re: postfix, cyrdeliver and username containing '@'

2006-01-27 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Henrique got the right point - I didn't pay attention on the version... You absolutely need a cyrus version with virtual domain support. However, with the new version, use the ${mailbox} instead of user, as only this passes the whole address (in contrast to providing the localpart on the left-ha

Re: postfix, cyrdeliver and username containing '@'

2006-01-26 Thread former03|Baltasar Cevc
Try using ${mailbox} instead of ${user} in your - ${user} is the localpart only - see pipe(8) for details: ${user} This macro expands to the username part of a recipient address. For example, with an address [EMAIL PROTEC

Re: administrate virtual domains

2006-01-22 Thread former03|Baltasar Cevc
Hi Holm, you want to put the domain at the end of the mailbox name - it's a virtual domain issue not a unixhierarchsep one - try cm user/public/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hope that helps, Baltasar Cyrus Home Page: Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: List Arc

DOS caused by malformatted mail?

2006-01-10 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi everybody, I happily use Cyrus IMAPD for quite some time now. Today I had trouble for the first time: I saw quite some lmtp processes eating all the CPU (the host had a load of 8.3 at that time - normally it's about 0 - 0.15 as it's still not used as planned). Postfix tried to deliver one m

Re: Dual-way replication?, What gets replicated?

2006-01-05 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi Ken, hi Wolfgang, thanx for your quick answers! Baltasar _ former 03 gmbh _ infanteriestraße 19 haus 6 eg _ 80797 muenchen _ [EMAIL PROTECTED] _ _ fon 0941.206.6952 _ fax 089.322112.11 _ mobil 0176.232.20.822 Cyrus Home Page: http://asg.w

Dual-way replication?, What gets replicated?

2006-01-04 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Hi everybody, thanx to everybody who contributed for this great piece of server software (and the nice support on the mailing list); explicitly thanx to Ken for everything and David for the replication code! Two questions, as I'm not able to jump into the code deeply enough to answer them my

Fwd: connect(/var/imap/socket/lmtp) failed: Permission denied

2006-01-02 Thread former03 | Baltasar Cevc
Begin forwarded message: From: Baltasar Cevc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: 2. Januar 2006 12:09:16 MEZ Subject: Re: connect(/var/imap/socket/lmtp) failed: Permission denied It's probably an error in the postfix configuration. Make sure that the "deliver" command runs as the cyrus user - use somet