Re: Cyrus IMAP on Mac OS X 10.4

2005-06-20 Thread fno.list1
> i) Darwin /is/ open source, but you don't need its source to build cyrus > > ii) where's the problem to build cyrus from its sources (given that you > have installed the developer package[s], tho)? On Mac OS X 10.4.1, Xcode 2.0 and vanilla Cyrus IMAP 2.2.12, following the guide: http://homepage

Cyrus IMAP on Mac OS X 10.4

2005-06-19 Thread fno.list1
Hi, I have been following this list for some time as well as searched the Internet for information regarding how to get Cyrus IMAP to compile under Mac OS X 10.4 without success. Is this possible at this point in time? With or without fink, darwin-ports or plain vanilla? If so, is there some kin