I prefer the KDE PIM suite Kontact over Mozilla's products any day. It
has tons of bugs, but also some very cool features which I would never
want to miss again.
Ulrich Spoerlein
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool,
than to speak, and remove all dou
coming mails with sieve scripts, but i couldn't figure out a way to do
> so yet.
upload a sieve script as your cyrus admin user. Let's call it foo. Then
login with cyradm and attach that script to the shared folder bar.
mboxcfg bar sieve foo
Ulrich Spoerlein
It is better to
r {set i 4} {$i<$argc} {incr i} {
set cmd [lindex $argv $i]
expect "> "
send "$cmd\n"
expect "> "
send "quit\n"
expect eof
Don't run this on a shell-server though, as your cyrus admin password
will be visible from ps(1) output.
to your new server. *Don't* shutdown
cyrus, but rsync right again. Measure the second run, too. This will
roughly be your expected downtime. I would be surprised if it is more
than 5-10 minutes.
You could also do: rsync (long time), rsync (short time), shutdown
cyrus, rsync (even shorter time).
ent servers?
Search for rolling replication. Though I failed to get it working
reliably ...
Ulrich Spoerlein
"The trouble with the dictionary is you have to know how the word is
spelled before you can look it up to see how it is spelled."
-- Will Cuppy
Cyrus Home Pa
Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:
> -- Ulrich Spoerlein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is rumored to have mumbled on 6. März
> 2007
> From "man imapd.conf":
> sieve_extensions: fileinto reject vacation imapflags notify envelope
> relational regex subaddress copy
Hi all,
I know this is a recurring topic here, but after hours of searching I
still can't get this to work.
I'm running Cyrus 2.3.7 on FreeBSD 6.2, I have added a global script like this:
sieveshell -u cyrus -a cyrus -e "p spam.script spam" localhost
Which results in the script showing up in s