lboxes from backups.
AFAIK, if the Sent folder was deleted, you need to use the -f flag to
rebuild the mailbox.
Michel Blanc - Systèmes / Réseaux Erasme
Erasme - Département du Rhône - Saint Clément les Places/FR69930
Email : - Tel: +33-474706840
GitHub :
Sep11 0:00 imapd -U 30
cyrus29321 0.0 0.1 96436 4168 Sep11 0:00 imapd -U 30
May be the output is different in other versions ?
Michel Blanc - Systèmes / Réseaux Erasme
Erasme - Département du Rhône - Saint Clément les Places/FR69930
Email : - Te
' ','` | \
grep '/var/lib/cyrus/user/.*\.seen$' | \
awk '{ print $9 }' | sort | uniq | \
cut -f7 -d'/' | cut -f1 -d'.'
with cyrus 2.2 under ubuntu server, YMMV !
Michel Blanc - Systèmes / Réseaux Erasme
Erasme - Département du
s. It allows password management,
virtual domains management, aliases, quota. I suppose we can publish
this one too after a code review, but don't expect any further
development on this one.
Good luck in your research.
Michel Blanc - Systèmes/Réseaux Erasme
Erasme/CG69/Saint Clément l