ou will need to fetch the
> caldav-2.4 branch from http://git.cyrus.foundation
> On 04/29/2015 11:09 AM, Lucas Zinato Carraro wrote:
> OK I put caldavzap on cyrus httpd server
> In Web browser JavaScript console:
> REPORT http://webs
eadOnly: null, settingsAccount: true,
timeOut: 9, lockTimeOut: 1, delegation: true, backgroundCalendars:
[], ignoreAlarms: false}
Another idea ?
On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 9:56 AM, Ken Murchison wrote:
> On 04/29/2015 08:41 AM, Lucas Zinato Carraro
How to set document root to dcyrus httpd?
Only put
httpdocroot: /var/lib/cyrus/htdocs ?
in imapd.conf or is necessary to configure another option ?
On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 8:51 AM, Ken Murchison wrote:
> On 04/28/2015 11:27 PM, Lucas Zinato Carraro wrote:
> caldavzap is i
27; is therefore not allowed access.
Anyway to put this specific header in cyrus httpd ?
On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 8:25 AM, Ken Murchison wrote:
> On 04/17/2015 10:17 AM, Lucas Zinato Carraro wrote:
>I'm testing Cyrus Caldav ( 2.4.17+beta9 ) with several cl
incipals/user/>', hrefLabel: null,
additionalResources: [], forceReadOnly: null, settingsAccount: true,
timeOut: 9, lockTimeOut: 1, delegation: true, backgroundCalendars:
[], ignoreAlarms: false}
var globalSettingsType='calendar-home-set';
Any suggestion ?
I found in maillist history this thread:
This patch is already implemented in newer cyrus versions ( 2.4.X )?
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
List Archives/Info: http://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/pipermail/info
The feature "singleinstancestore" works with a replica server ?
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
List Archives/Info: http://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/pipermail/info-cyrus/
How to estimate the memory usage in cyrus imap 2.4.X ?
Mailbox size is Important ?
For example 5000 simultaneous IMAPS in mailboxes with 2Gb size.
How much memory is needed?
On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 10:02 PM, Robert Mueller wrote:
> > > It looks like 3000 IMAP sessions are going to tak
When I have a problem with DNS cyrus imapd becomes extremely slow.
A simple test: "telnet imap 143-server.com" takes about 15 seconds to
display the banner.
mupdate.com / STARTTLS AUTH = PLAIN SASL-IR] domain.com Cyrus IMAP Murd
I have several users that will change your login(LDAP uid).
How to map a login to another mailbox ?
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
List Archives/Info: http://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/pipermail/info-cyrus/
On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 4:46 PM, Lucas Zinato Carraro wrote:
> If i compile only quota utility from imapd 2.411beta1 and replace from
> 2.4.10,
> it will work ? Exist a change involving quota and binary imapd (proxyd) ?
> Regards
> On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 a
In old versions when i run quota -f user/mailbox
the quota for specific mailbox is fixed.
But i try with 2.4.10 and the quota is removed
server:/usr/cyrus/bin>./quota -f user/lucas.carraro
user.lucas^carraro: removed
Quota % Used Used Root
1024000111831 user/lucas.carraro
For each proxyd processs running on a frontend server I have an imapd
process listening on a backend?
Can I pool several clients on 1 proxyd process ?
In the last days, the number of process ( imapd ) increase quickly on my
backend servers.
I know that 1 imapd process is used by 1 login us
I make some tests using imap interface to reconstruct mailboxes.
And works fine with no problems.
I dont find any documentation about expunge using only imap admin
Exist a implementation for this or i need to have a valid shell in server
to perform unexpunge actions ?
11 at 8:26 PM, Dave McMurtrie wrote:
> On 5/12/11 7:06 PM, Lucas Zinato Carraro wrote:
> >
> > I can move mailboxes between servers with a user connected ?
> Generally, yes, but I'm not 100% sure that there aren't edge cases.
> Actually, I'm going to assum
I can move mailboxes between servers with a user connected ?
Exist a way to block the connection until the operation finish ?
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
List Archives/Info: http://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/pipermail/info-cyrus/
I see in
.. In general, there's no magic bullet for performance. It depends on
your hardware, your operating system, and how your users use the system. In
general, an imapd process takes up anywhere from 256 Kbytes to 512 Kby
I test and have this problem too.
Using Murder with:
Backends and FrontEnds:
virtdomains: off
defaultpartition: default
duplicatesuppression: 0
hashimapspool: true
allowusermoves: yes
unixhierarchysep: yes
singleinstancestore: 1
allowallsubscribe: 1
deletedprefix: DELETED
delete_mode: de
The parameter "autocreatequota" works in a Murder enviromment ?
INBOX is created in user logon ?
My imapd.conf
defaultpartition: default
defaultserver: back1.com
serverlist back1.com back2.com back3.com
With this configuration INBOX will be created in back1.com!default
Enable Virtual Domains
You problem is with sendmail LMTP AUTH ?
See this archive message:
On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 6:24 PM, John Duthie wrote:
Thanks Bron,
i was thinking that expunged messages are controlled only by cyr_expire.
On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 7:36 AM, Bron Gondwana wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 06, 2011 at 02:27:12PM -0200, Lucas Zinato Carraro wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I configure cyr
I configure cyrus (imapd.conf ) with:
delete_mode: delayed
expunge_mode: delayed
and in cyrus.conf
checkpointcmd="/usr/cyrus/bin/ctl_cyrusdb -c" period=5
delprunecmd="/usr/cyrus/bin/cyr_expire -E 60 -X 60 -D 60" at=230
In tests, i configure /etc/cyrus.conf to start 5000 process in startup.
imapcmd="imapd"listen="imap" prefork=5000
Consulting the system:
imap_server:/var/lib/imap/proc>ps axwww | grep imapd | wc -l
But in: ls -l /var/lib/imap/proc | wc -l i see o
Thanks Dave,
This is the problem.
Some frontends with immediate mode and backends with delayed mode.
On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 10:28 AM, Dave McMurtrie wrote:
> On 01/13/2011 09:18 PM, Lucas Zinato Carraro wrote:
> > Using cyrus imapd 2.4.6 with delay expunge for folder
Using cyrus imapd 2.4.6 with delay expunge for folders enabled.
When i delete a folder this folder is moved to DELETED/user/.. correctly
But when i use the subscribe function the deleted folder folder appears for
user with \NoSelect flags.
user \NoSelect
Its possible to limit imap admin logins ?
For example limit admin only for a specific IP.
Exist a way to grant permission for a specific user for administratives
tasks but limit this user
to delete accounts ?
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
List Archives/In
RFC2595 - not recommended IMAPs, but I disagree in some points.
imaps and pop3s ports
Separate "imaps" and "pop3s" ports were registered for use with
SSL. Use of these ports is discouraged in favor of the STARTTLS or
- Separate ports
> On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 3:29 PM, Dan White wrote:
> Are you saying that authentication is not working at all with your imap
> server? Can you post your saslauthd.conf file, if it exists?
gt;> Betreff: Re: Detecting last login IMAP and expire old messages
>> On Mon, 2011-01-10 at 09:13 -0400, Patrick Boutilier wrote:
>> > On 01/10/2011 08:03 AM, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
>> > > On Sat, 2011-01-08 at 23:35 -0200, Lucas Zinato Carraro wrote:
>> &
You can use virtdomains:
virtdomains: yes
defaultdomain: your defaultdomain.com
with this:
username = usern...@yourdefaultdomain.com
Old clients can use username or usern...@yourdefaultdomain.com
and new clients usern...@project1.com , usern...@project2.com.
More details in:
Is there a way to get messages from a user account automatic expire if
account is not in used for 6 months ?
( i see last update, but this parameter is updated by lmtpd, pop login
and etc ... )
How is the best way to detect users that are not using your account ?
It's safe to put /proc and /lock in tmps ?
What happen if the space over ?
Using Cyrus IMAP 2.4.x
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
List Archives/Info: http://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/pipermail/info-cyrus/
Thanks Reinaldo,
My problem is with MTA ( postfix ).
On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 9:07 PM, Reinaldo de Carvalho
> On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 11:00 PM, Lucas Zinato Carraro
> wrote:
>> singleinstancestore: 1
> [...]
>> This option works ? This option is supported when usi
i found this option in man imapd.conf
singleinstancestore: 1
If enabled, imapd, lmtpd and nntpd attempt to only write one copy of a
message per partition and create hard links, resulting in a
potentially large disk savings.
This option works ? This
Anyone has made a benchmark between 2.3.16 and cyrus imapd 2.4.X ?
Apparently, performance has a big improvement.
I feel this with same hardware and different versions,
but unfortunately i dont collect good indicators with imap 2.3.x
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.o
I know that this question is controversy and there is no exact answer.
But currently what is the best file system in Linux to handle
thousands of small files?
I have mailboxes with 4Gb. And messages with ~4Kb.
Ext4 ?
Thanks in advance
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
, Dan White wrote:
> On 13/12/10 10:00 -0200, Lucas Zinato Carraro wrote:
>> I have some doubts about sieve.
>> In a enviromment with cyrus aggregation ( murder )
>> when i use:
>> redirect "my-addr...@somewhere.else.com";
> On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 2:48 AM, Lucas Zinato Carraro
> wrote:
>> Hi, I have a cyrus aggregation enviromment.
>> My frontends are cyrus 2.4.5 ,mupdate - cyrus 2.4.5
>> and have backends with cyrus 2.4.5 and a backend
>> with 28.000
I have some doubts about sieve.
In a enviromment with cyrus aggregation ( murder )
when i use:
redirect "my-addr...@somewhere.else.com";
its necessary a MTA running in backend (or frontend ) ?
How redirect works ?
I can specify a remote SMTP server for
redirect and vacation message ?
Hi, I have a cyrus aggregation enviromment.
My frontends are cyrus 2.4.5 ,mupdate - cyrus 2.4.5
and have backends with cyrus 2.4.5 and a backend
with 28.000 mailboxes in cyrus 2.3.16.
I test some account with cyus backend 2.4.5 ( ~1000 ) and no problem appear.
Its safe to convert cyrus backe
Thanks Andrew,
This scripts could be included im cyrusimap web page.
On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 8:28 PM, Andrew Morgan wrote:
> On Wed, 1 Dec 2010, Lucas Zinato Carraro wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Anyone has a good script to move users between several
Anyone has a good script to move users between several
backends and partitions ??
In the 'old' cyrus web page i remember that exist link
for some tools and scripts in a Wiki.
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
List Archives/Info: http://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/pipermail/info-cyrus/
Another issue is:
- Frontend with 2.3.16
- Backend with 2.4
- And a account in this backend accesing a shared mailbox
in another backemd with cyrus 2.3.16
The shared imap mailbox appears with a \Noselect flag.
And normally this means the folder can contain child folders, but not messages.
I am using Murder Enviromment. My frontend servers ( /etc/imapd.conf )
has this options.
proxyd_allow_status_referral: 0
proxyd_disable_mailbox_referrals: 1
When i test with imtest:
imtest -a lucas.carraro localhost
Exist any problem with Cyrus IMAP 2.4.4 and IPhone Client ( Apple Mail ) ?
Any problem with idled function for this plataform ?
Since I upgraded to Cyrus 2.4.4 a few customers are complaining that
the iPhone not sync
mail messages.
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
List Ar
I have 3 Frontends in DMZ, 4 Backends in Intranet
and a Administrative Station in other network.
The administrative station, and clients stations can not connect
direct to backend servers.
In imapd.conf i enable the parameter:
proxyd_disable_mailbox_referrals: 1
With 2.3.16 dont have probl
Hi, Bron,
This works with Cyrus Frontend 2.4.1
On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 3:20 AM, Bron Gondwana wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 01:14:12AM -0200, Lucas Zinato Carraro wrote:
>> My configuration
>> User Inbox - Backend cyrus 2.4.1
>> +SharedFo
My configuration
User Inbox - Backend cyrus 2.4.1
+SharedFolderA - Backend cyrus 2.4.1
+SharedFolderB - Backend cyrus 2.3.16
Client used Mozilla Thunderbird 3.1.4
In File Subscribe i can see all Folders ( INBOX, SharedFolderA, SharedFolderB )
When i click in subscribe, i dont have any p
Hi, Bron
This patch works fine.
On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 6:30 PM, Bron Gondwana wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 06:21:36PM -0300, Lucas Zinato Carraro wrote:
>> When i delete a message ( technically, move to trash ) one copy of message
>> is created in mailbo
folders located in Backend1
where my account "lucas.carraro" exist.
The other folder in backend2 are not avaiable for me:
In my /etc/imapd.conf
allowusermoves: 1
unixhierarchysep: yes
anyoneuseracl: 1
allowallsubscribe: 1
flushseenstate: 1
expunge_mode: immediate
Lucas Zina
I am testing the new Cyrus Imapd Version 2.4.0
I have a murder ( aggregation) enviromment.
Using a Webmail ( Expresso: http://www.expressolivre.org )
or Thunderbird
When i delete a message ( technically, move to trash
Hi ,
I find some information about Cyrus Murder Mail Delivery in link:
This patch is already implemented in Cyrus Imap 2.3.16 ?
I try to configure to use local mailboxes.db ,
For me it would be very interesting a option to save cyrus tables
in a traditional database. ( mysql, postgresql, etc... )
> On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 11:06 AM, Simon Matter wrote:
>>> On Wednesday 22 September 2010 15:29:20 Kenneth Marshall wrote:
On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 10:48:4
I find in source of installer: doc\man\imapd.conf.5.html
Some parameters :
Name of the database which contains the cyrusdb table(s).
Name of the SQL engine to use.
Allowed values: mysql, pgsql, sqlite
I need to create a program to manage users in OpenLDAP
and Cyrus Mailboxes ( Aggregation ).
Search in internet i found examples in PHP using IMAP functions and Cyrus.
I find some examples using:
imap_set_quota, imap_mailboxmsginfo, imap_setacl, imap_status,
imap_getacl, imap_get_quota
I dont
Anyone knows where i can find examples and some documentation
about the Cyrus Daemon FUD?
I find only a man page in cyrus imap source.
There is a specific client for fud?
Cyrus Home Page: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/
Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/twiki
List Ar
Hi, its possible to replicate only a specific partition using sync_server ?
I see in sync_server man the directive "-C" to specify another config file
For example:
syncserver cmd="/usr/cyrus/bin/sync_server -C
/etc/imapd-replicate-partition.conf" listen="csync"
And in /etc/imapd-
+ Can i use differentes methods for authentication ( user: ldap, mupdate +
backend, backend + backend : sasldb ) ?
( for example users auth in frontend with saslauthd: ldap but frontends
auth in mupdate
and backends using /etc/sasldb2 , and auth between backend using another
mech )
Consider t
vance for any help
On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 8:24 PM, Lucas Zinato Carraro wrote:
> cyradm --user cyrmas...@domain1.com frontend.domain.com
> Password:
> frontend.domain.com>
> frontend.domain.com>
> frontend.domain.com> cm user/test backen
cyradm --user cyrmas...@domain1.com frontend.domain.com
frontend.domain.com> cm user/test backend1.intranet --- OK
frontend.domain.com> lm user/test
user/testepermissao (\HasNoChildren)
frontend.domain.com> info
, 2010 at 2:29 PM, Wesley Craig wrote:
> So what's NOT working? I don't suppose your network monitor is connecting
> to the IMAPS port and then immediately dropping the connection...
> :wes
> On 08 Jul 2010, at 19:19, Lucas Zinato Carraro wrote:
> Using Th
Jul 8 20:12:43 rx701 imaps[16758]: warning: can't get client address:
Connection reset by peer
Jul 8 20:12:43 rx701 imaps[16758]: accepted connection
Jul 8 20:12:43 rx701 imaps[16758]: imapd:Loading hard-coded DH parameters
Jul 8 20:12:43 rx701 imaps[16758]: EOF in SSL_accept() -> fail
How many users can I have in a cyrus imap server (backend)?
Exist a software limitation ?
I would like to know statistics like:
* Number of inboxes
* Number of mailboxes
* Number of shared mailboxes
This solution scale to millions of users ?
I find this statistics in Cyrus webpage:
but is
Another Question:
1 proxyd = 1 client connection ? Or 1 proxyd handles several connections ?
This parameter can be configured ?
Any metric to sizing IO Use for frontends and backends ??
On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 2:48 PM, Andrew Morgan wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Jun 2010, Lucas Zin
ng IMAPs and 10.000 using IMAP.
An maximum attachment set to 10 Mb.
On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 2:06 PM, Wesley Craig wrote:
> On 22 Jun 2010, at 00:26, Lucas Zinato Carraro wrote:
>> "proxyd_disable_mailbox_referrals" will be replaced to other
>> I find a parameter to imapd.conf: proxyd_disable_mailbox_referrals.
>> Only this parameter is necessary in frontend to complete disable referall
>> ?
I have some questions about a possible Cyrus Agregation ( Murder )
implementation in my enviromment.
My envirommet;
- Internet Firewall
-- 3 Cyrus FrontEnd ( DMZ )
- Internal DMZ Firewall
-- 3 Backends + 1 Mupdate.
another suggestion ?
Lucas Zinato Carraro
Cyrus Home Page: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/
Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/twiki
List Archives/Info: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/mailing-list.html
yrus sasl
and I have "murder user" and "backends users" defined in ldap.
Exist anyway to encrypt this parameters ??
In my architeture actually is inpossible to use kerberos :-(
Thanks in advance
Lucas Zinato Carraro
Cyrus Home Page: http://cyr
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