The mapping ist done in the ldapmap in postfix. the ldap maps email to uid.
Regards Helmut
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Torsten Schlabach []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 12. Mai 2009 14:58
An: Helmut Weigel;
Betreff: Re
Hi all,
our customer wants to login with the full mailaddress as the username
to our cyrus imapd. is this possible?
We run an installation with postfix and cyrus-imapd.
Helmut Weigel
DFB-Medien GmbH & Co. KG
Otto-Fleck-Schneise 6
60528 Frankfurt
fon: +49 (69) 6788-319
fax: +49 (69) 6788
n non-default partitions?
Thanks in advance
Helmut Weigel
DFB-Medien GmbH & Co. KG
Otto-Fleck-Schneise 6
60528 Frankfurt
fon: +49 (69) 6788-319
fax: +49 (69) 6788-343
pcfax: +49 (511) 760770 76 - 259
Homepage: www.dfb-
Hi All
> Replication requires 2.3.x and 2.3.13 is the best replicating
> cyrus imapd available.
RedHat ships 2.3.7 with RHEL Enterprise Server 5.
Is that sufficient? Does anybody have experiences with that version?
Thanks in advance
Helmut Weigel
Cyrus Hom
ments aprechiated
Helmut Weigel
DFB-Medien GmbH & Co. KG
Otto-Fleck-Schneise 6
60528 Frankfurt
fon +49 (69) 6788-319
fax +49 (69) 6788-343
Hermann-Neuberger-Haus | Otto-Fleck
Hi all,
first of all thanks for your fast response.
Rich, indeed we use postfix right now as MTA. How did you configure that
"bypass" for the local delivery daemon?
Thanks Helmut
Am Do, den 14.04.2005 schrieb Rich Wohlstadter um 4:53:
> >> What would the MTA have to tell cyrus to do that, if e
Hi all!
I 've got a question about how messages are stored on the system.
Think of the following situation:
I have a huge number of users in my mailstore, lets say 5.
And now i want to send one single email, maybe with a fully featured 150
Pages colored PDF Attachment, to them all.
Can you se
on redhat EL you cannot use the installed packeage, because of no LDAP
support. Get the sources an compile with otion "--with-ldap"
Hope this helps Helmut
Am Fr, den 29.10.2004 schrieb Fred Blaise um 6:02:
> Hello all
> I have a regular cyrus install working and an openldap up and runnin
Hi all,
we have a large installation running here with about 3 users.
I'm now looking for an easy way to send an email to all users.
Any hints?
Thanks Helmut
DFB Medien GmbH & Co. KG
ListerstraÃe 18
30163 Hannover
Fon: +49 (511) 760 770 - 251
Fax: +49 (511) 760 770 - 202
email: [EMA