Dear Bron,
Le 14.09.2011 11:13, Bron Gondwana a écrit :
> On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 10:45:27AM +0200, Denis BUCHER wrote:
>>> I think I've posted already here about this some years ago about this
>>> problem and I'm disappointed that cyrus reconstruct seems to still
Dear Jeroen,
Le 14.09.2011 10:54, Jeroen van Meeuwen (Kolab Systems) a écrit :
>> I think I've posted already here about this some years ago about this
>> problem and I'm disappointed that cyrus reconstruct seems to still
>> have
>> the same bug.
> You wouldn't happen to have a ticket in bugzill
Le 14.09.2011 10:42, Denis BUCHER a écrit :
> Dear all,
> I think I've posted already here about this some years ago about this
> problem and I'm disappointed that cyrus reconstruct seems to still have
> the same bug. Although last time I was able to circumvent it,
Dear all,
I think I've posted already here about this some years ago about this
problem and I'm disappointed that cyrus reconstruct seems to still have
the same bug. Although last time I was able to circumvent it, this time
I am left out without any solution, and my users are very angry now !!!
Bron Gondwana a écrit :
> On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 09:54:10AM +0100, Denis BUCHER wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Sorry for submitting so many questions to the list, now I have a HUGE
>> problem !
>> I did /usr/sbin/ctl_mboxlist -d -x -p default and it destr
Sorry for submitting so many questions to the list, now I have a HUGE
problem !
I did /usr/sbin/ctl_mboxlist -d -x -p default and it destroyed my *.seen
(read/unread database) files !
I took the files from backup but cyrus doesn't accept them and shows all
emails as unread (including read
Patrick Boutilier a écrit :
> On 12/17/2009 07:30 PM, Denis BUCHER wrote:
>> Patrick Boutilier a écrit :
>>> On 12/17/2009 09:28 AM, Denis BUCHER wrote:
>>>>> How did you move the mail from one server to the other?
>>>> I think I copi
Hello Brian,
Brian Awood a écrit :
> Does the CLIENT folder have at least a cyrus.index file in it?
No, the CLIENT folder has only subfolders...
>>> Normally reconstruct doesn't recurse through directories that aren't
>>> mailboxes unless you use the "-p partition" option. If you don't
Patrick Boutilier a écrit :
> On 12/17/2009 09:28 AM, Denis BUCHER wrote:
>>> How did you move the mail from one server to the other?
>> I think I copied with scp.
>>> Does the CLIENT folder have at least a cyrus.index file in
Hello Brian,
Brian Awood a écrit :
>> I think I copied with scp.
>>> Does the CLIENT folder have at least a cyrus.index file in it?
>> No, the CLIENT folder has only subfolders...
> Normally reconstruct doesn't recurse through directories that aren't
> mailboxes unless you use the "-p pa
Hello Patrick,
Patrick Boutilier a écrit :
When doing /usr/sbin/cyrreconstruct -rf user.psmith I have a very very
strange behavior !
Most of folders are successfully reconstructed except one or two that
are ignored ???
Example for a folder called "CLIENT". This f
Dear Patrick,
Patrick Boutilier a écrit :
>> When doing /usr/sbin/cyrreconstruct -rf user.psmith I have a very very
>> strange behavior !
>> Most of folders are successfully reconstructed except one or two that
>> are ignored ???
>> Example for a folder called "CLIENT". This folder only cont
Dear all,
When doing /usr/sbin/cyrreconstruct -rf user.psmith I have a very very
strange behavior !
Most of folders are successfully reconstructed except one or two that
are ignored ???
Example for a folder called "CLIENT". This folder only contains
subfolders, and no messages, could this be the
Dear all,
I don't know if this is the right place to speak about it, but I had
this problem and found the solution :
When trying to install perlsieve-0.4.9 on a server to connect to Cyrus
(on another webserver) I have the following problem...
IMAP::Sieve [ Login incorrect while connecting to bws
Denis BUCHER a écrit :
> I was able to configure a SSL-only configuration (no IMAP, only IMAPS).
> But now cyradm tells me "cyradm: cannot connect to server".
> How can I tell cyradm to connect as SSL to port 993 ?
> Thanks a lot for any help :-)
I was able to configure a SSL-only configuration (no IMAP, only IMAPS).
But now cyradm tells me "cyradm: cannot connect to server".
How can I tell cyradm to connect as SSL to port 993 ?
Thanks a lot for any help :-)
Cyrus Home Page:
Cyrus Wiki/FA
Dear all,
Denis BUCHER a écrit :
> This question is not directly related to cyrus, but to alternate users
> and passwords config file, therefore I hope it's still on topic...
> On our mail server we are using a very simple file for mail users.
> This file is used
Dear all,
This question is not directly related to cyrus, but to alternate users
and passwords config file, therefore I hope it's still on topic...
On our mail server we are using a very simple file for mail users.
This file is used by cyrus and postifx.
This is how it works :
The /etc/mails/ma
Dear Craig,
Craig White a écrit :
>> We will soon migrate from one server to another. To migrate users I
>> simply tried to copy files from one server to the other, and then I did a :
>>> /usr/sbin/cyrreconstruct -r user.test2009
>> But the problem is that all emails are marked as unread !
>> D
Dear all,
We will soon migrate from one server to another. To migrate users I
simply tried to copy files from one server to the other, and then I did a :
> /usr/sbin/cyrreconstruct -r user.test2009
But the problem is that all emails are marked as unread !
Does someone knows how to copy+use (mayb
Thanks a lot, just a problem :
404 not found
nodens2099 a écrit :
> Le 02/12/2009 11:47, Denis BUCHER a écrit :
>>> Would this be the equivalent ?
>>> But now I get "Unrecogn
Dear all,
Denis BUCHER a écrit :
>>> We are trying to migrate from Suse+Cyrus+postfix to Debian+Suse+postfix
>>> but we have a problem. When a user logs in for the first time, the Inbox
>>> is not created automatically... Does someone knows if we have to add
Hello nodens2099,
nodens2099 a écrit :
>> We are trying to migrate from Suse+Cyrus+postfix to Debian+Suse+postfix
>> but we have a problem. When a user logs in for the first time, the Inbox
>> is not created automatically... Does someone knows if we have to add
>> something to cyrus config or why
Just a correction to my previous email :
> We are trying to migrate from Suse+Cyrus+postfix to Debian+Cyrus+postfix
> but we have a problem. When a user logs in for the first time, the Inbox
> is not created automatically... Does someone knows if we have to add
> something to cyrus config or why it
We are trying to migrate from Suse+Cyrus+postfix to Debian+Suse+postfix
but we have a problem. When a user logs in for the first time, the Inbox
is not created automatically... Does someone knows if we have to add
something to cyrus config or why it doesn't work ?
For your information, ins
Did you read by any chance my post date 31.07.2009 22:03 with subject
"Re: Architectural mistake in cyrus ?"
Nybbles2Byte a écrit :
> Hello ,
> I'm getting a little desperate here so I'm hoping someone can answer
> these two question for me. I originally asked them as "How to use
Dan White a écrit :
I already asked this question as an help request here some time ago,
noone was able to solve this "bug" in cyrus, and I think this issue
should be addressed :
1] Problem :
How to set quota for a user being in another domain than the
Dan White a écrit :
I already asked this question as an help request here some time ago,
noone was able to solve this "bug" in cyrus, and I think this issue
should be addressed :
1] Problem :
How to set quota for a user being in another domain than the
Hello Andrew,
Andrew Morgan a écrit :
>> I already asked this question as an help request here some time ago, but
>> noone was able to solve this "bug" in cyrus, and I think this issue
>> should be addressed :
>> 1] Problem :
>> How to set quota for a user being in another domain than the "main
Hello everyone,
I already asked this question as an help request here some time ago, but
noone was able to solve this "bug" in cyrus, and I think this issue
should be addressed :
1] Problem :
How to set quota for a user being in another domain than the "main"
domain ??
2] More precisely :
How to
Hello everyone,
As it seems impossible to access users accounts of many domains in cyradm,
As it seems impossible to change the quota of a user in another domain,
I would like to know where is stored the quotas for a specific user
account ?
For example I have user, with p
Rob Mueller a écrit :
>>> I am blocked with vacation/out-of-office because when users
>>> are entering accents the script fails with an error...
>>> Does anyone has a suggestion on how to make accents work ?
>> Yes, but I haven't committed it to CVS yet. I'm working o
I am blocked with vacation/out-of-office because when users
are entering accents the script fails with an error...
Does anyone has a suggestion on how to make accents work ?
Thanks a lot for any help...
Cyrus Home Page:
Cyrus Wiki/FAQ:
t (\HasChildren)
user.dbucherml.ML.Fournisseurs.Microsoft.MSPRP (\HasNoChildren)
As you can see I don't have any "" or "@anything.else"
I was reading that my cyrus user is maybe not a global admin ?
But how to make it global, then ?
Denis Bucher
Hello everyone,
If someone could help me on this point it would be nice, because I have
a mailbox that is almost full and I don't know how to change the quota ?
Thanks a lot in advance for any help
Denis BUCHER a écrit :
> OBATA Akio a écrit :
>>> I really don't un
OBATA Akio a écrit :
>> I really don't understand how to access "other" (virtual) domains from
>> cyradm :
>> su - cyrus
>> cyradm --user cyrus localhost
>> lm
>> I see all mailboxes from our main domain, for example :
>> user.dbucherml.ML (\HasChildren)
>> user.dbucherml.ML.Fourniss
I really don't understand how to access "other" (virtual) domains from
cyradm :
su - cyrus
cyradm --user cyrus localhost
I see all mailboxes from our main domain, for example :
user.dbucherml.ML (\HasChildren)
user.dbucherml.ML.Fournisseurs (\HasChildren)
gt;> Denis
>> Cyrus Home Page:
>> Cyrus Wiki/FAQ:
>> List Archives/Info:
I'm searching for months without success for either one of these solutions :
a) Out-of-office (away) plugin for Outlook that would use Sieve ?
b) Web interface to manage an out-of-office message in Sieve ?
If someone could give me some advice, it would be very nice !
Cyrus Ho
I got no answer on this subject, does someone has a suggestions, or
maybe should I give more details ?
>> I know this problem has been answered on different lists, but I don't
>> understand what to do to correct it ?
>> lmtpunix[16846]: DBERROR db4: Logging region out of memory
At the end, we solved the problem by simply doing in Outlook something
like "Deleted messages marked as being deleted" and no more problem !!!
Denis BUCHER a écrit :
> Strange but it doesn't appear in the transaction logs.
> Anyway, we think we solved the prob
x27;s nothing to be done other than adjusting the MAXWORD
> and/or MAXQUOTED limits. That means upgrading or recompiling the old
> version that you're on.
> :wes
>> Denis BUCHER a écrit :
>>> David Carter a écrit :
>>>> On Fri, 22 Aug 2008, Denis
ilhost slapd[2099]: <= bdb_equality_candidates:
(virtualdomain) index_param failed (18)
Sep 11 20:19:29 mailhost slapd[2099]: conn=24038 op=2 SEARCH RESULT
tag=101 err=0 nentries=0 text=
Sep 11 20:19:35 mailhost slapd[2099]: conn=24038 fd=20 closed
(connection lost)
Denis Bucher
Denis BUCHER a écrit :
> I know this problem has been answered on different lists, but I don't
> understand what to do to correct it ?
> lmtpunix[16846]: DBERROR db4: Logging region out of memory; you may need
> to increase its size
> If anyone could tell me
I know this problem has been answered on different lists, but I don't
understand what to do to correct it ?
lmtpunix[16846]: DBERROR db4: Logging region out of memory; you may need
to increase its size
If anyone could tell me exactly which commands or config to use it would
be great !
Hello everyone,
What should I do next to solve my problem ?
Denis BUCHER a écrit :
> Hello everyone,
> David Carter a écrit :
>> On Fri, 22 Aug 2008, Denis BUCHER wrote:
>>> As far as I understand, the cause of the problem is : * "Outlook is
Hello everyone,
David Carter a écrit :
> On Fri, 22 Aug 2008, Denis BUCHER wrote:
>> As far as I understand, the cause of the problem is : * "Outlook is
>> sending either a token or quoted string that is longer than 8K bytes."
> Your problem is a mailb
David Carter a écrit :
>> As far as I understand, the cause of the problem is : * "Outlook is
>> sending either a token or quoted string that is longer than 8K bytes."
> Your problem is a mailbox which contains several thousand messages.
> Possibly several thousand messages which Outlo
Thanks a lot to everyone for your answers, I'll do a complete reply, I
think it's better :
Michael Menge a écrit :
> The configdirectory is set in /etc/imapd.conf it should default to
> /var/lib/imap
Yes, you're right... BTW I never understood why there is a
/etc/imapd.conf and a /etc
Dave McMurtrie a écrit :
>> Many email clients simply marks emails as deleted when moving them or
>> deleting them ? Which makes a huge amount of "ghost" emails filling our
>> server.
>> Is there a way with a simple script to delete all deleted emails let's
>> say older than 30 days ?
> Ch
Michael Menge a écrit :
>> We have 50 people using Outlook on our IMAP cyrus server. It's
>> wonderful : fast, efficient, no problem, easy...
>> But for 4-5 days I have a strange problem only on one PC :
Many email clients simply marks emails as deleted when moving them or
deleting them ? Which makes a huge amount of "ghost" emails filling our
Is there a way with a simple script to delete all deleted emails let's
say older than 30 days ?
Thanks a lot in advance for your help !
hich one ?
Thanks a lot in advance for your help !
Denis Bucher
cyrus version :
name : Cyrus IMAPD
version: v2.2.12 2005/02/14 16:43:51
vendor : Project Cyrus
os : Linux
os-version :
environment: Built w/Cyrus
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