On 2006. 11. 16. 22:46, Bron Gondwana wrote:
Seriously, see the other response, DbMail might be what you want -
personally I'd put blobs in the filesystem (actually, my SHA1 based
VFS system, but that's a different story) and metadata in mysql... if
I was writing my perfect IMAP solution, which I
and a frequent mailq, to see if there are messages in the
postfix queue) and all the numbers are from my mind...
Attila Nagy e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Adopt a directory on our free software phone @work: +361 371 3536
server! http://www.fsn.hu/?f=
ave to dedicate separate frontends in front of the IMAP backends
(which the above IMAPx servers really are).
Attila Nagy e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Free Services Network (FSN.HU) phone @work: +361 371 3536
ISOs: http://www.fsn.hu/?f=downloadc
to be a good thing if you have a cluster file
systems (you have mentioned GFS, QFS and CXFS, does anybody have
experiences with them?). I guess NFS still doesn't come into the
picture, because of the mmap behaviour...
Attila Nagy e-mail: [EMAIL PROT
rding this
topic, so I cannot RTFM :)
Attila Nagy e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Free Services Network (FSN.HU) phone @work: +361 371 3536
ISOs: http://www.fsn.hu/?f=downloadcell.: +3630 306 6758
Cyrus Home Page: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/c
box 2?
If so, could somebody define the "shared filesystem"?
The cyrus webpages say that NFS is a big no-no. The problems are locking
(I guess it could work on a recent Linux or FreeBSD NFS implementation)
and different mmap behaviour over NFS.
Anybody have positive experiences with
Attila Nagy e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Free Services Network (FSN.HU) phone @work: +361 371 3536
ISOs: http://www.fsn.hu/?f=downloadcell.: +3630 306 6758
Cyrus Home Page: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus
Cyrus Wiki/FAQ:
here were no problems with that.
What else ... any use of proxying IMAP?
That's what frontends are for, no?
Attila Nagy e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Free Services Network (FSN.HU) phone @work: +361 371 3536
ISOs: http://www.fsn.hu/?f=download
do this already with good scripting capabilities...
Attila Nagy e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Free Software Network (FSN.HU) phone @work: +361 371 3536
ISOs: http://www.fsn.hu/?f=downloadcell.: +3630 306 6758
Cyrus Home Page: http://asg.web
guess the
users would be happy to have it in the standard cyrus distribution.
Attila Nagy e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Free Software Network (FSN.HU) phone @work: +361 371 3536
ISOs: http://www.fsn.hu/?f=downloadcell.: +3630 306 6758
users, why don't we collect some money and pass it to the developers?
Maybe it could help to make the implementation real, and the developers
have already demonstrated that they can design and code such things.
Attila Nagy e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Free S
Larry Greenfield wrote:
The quota is stored in kilobytes, so 10 GB < 2^32 KB. However, usage is
stored in bytes (otherwise we'd have severe rounding problems) so 10 GB
> 2^32 bytes.
I see now. What ill effects can this cause if somebody goes beyond 2/4 GBs?
more than 2 GB in that mailbox, but if cyrus stores the value
in a small sized variable, I guess it couldn't display the quota correctly.
Attila Nagy e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Free Software Network (FSN.HU) phone @work: +361 210 1415/127
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