Re: Migrating calendars to Cyrus

2020-02-24 Thread
Hi! Yes it exists. It’s called Vdirsyncer. Cherrs! Egoitz Aurrekoetxea Dpto. de sistemas 944 209 470 Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103 48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia) Antes de imprimir este correo electrónico piense si

Re: Xapian index not being used for message search in Roundcube

2020-02-24 Thread
Hi Simon, Try selecting the non conversation view before doing the search. It seems Roundcube has something weird there… but I could assure you it uses it when you set the non-conversation (non thread view). I think really it does even there, but perhaps it enter in a non-controlled loop with a