Re: Xapian searches of the body of an email

2019-01-07 Thread Egoitz Aurrekoetxea
Hi Robert! I see! I though you only needed to run Squatter in rolling mode in the slave.. I though the roling mode was just for slaves to take the Squatter changes caused by a normal squatter command launched in the master... So, if I run Squatter in the master in rolling mode... then I assume th

Re: Xapian searches of the body of an email

2019-01-07 Thread Robert Stepanek
Hi Egon, Yes, the slave should index in conversations.db automatically AFAIK. You should run squatter in rolling mode on the master, too. BTW: in 2014, Bron wrote a blog post about the search setup at FastMail:’s quite technical, but s

Re: Question about manual replication (-u )

2019-01-07 Thread Egoitz Aurrekoetxea
Good afternoon, I know it seems a pretty stupid question, but some time ago, you cannot have a Cyrus server acting for instance as a master and as slave... it was not supported... worked... but not supported... so having multiple sync_client instances... perhaps could damage something (although I

Re: Xapian searches of the body of an email

2019-01-07 Thread Michael Menge
Hi, Quoting Egoitz Aurrekoetxea : And, by the way when using Squatter instead of Xapian as a search engine what do we really lost?. Just the fact of having a statistical worse results?. Is it Xapian faster than squat engine?. I didn't test Xapian but the Squatter search index is not

Re: Xapian searches of the body of an email

2019-01-07 Thread Egoitz Aurrekoetxea
Hi Robert! Thank you so much for helping us (mainly which is the one boring the list with questions :) although I promise I've checked the doc before asking :) :) ). When you have a master/slave config... in the slave one, when running Squatter in rolling mode... does it update the conversatio

Re: Xapian searches of the body of an email

2019-01-07 Thread Robert Stepanek
On Mon, Jan 7, 2019, at 4:13 PM, Elías Halldór Ágústsson wrote: > Regarding indexing and searching in body of emails; what if the body > text is encoded in base64 or quoted-printable? It won't yield any > unencoded search strings, or what? If the MIME body part is of type text, then base64 and QP-e

Re: Xapian searches of the body of an email

2019-01-07 Thread Egoitz Aurrekoetxea
Hi Sebastian, I'll answer below (and in green) your answers!! Thanks a lot for your explanations mate :) :) --- EGOITZ AURREKOETXEA Departamento de sistemas 944 209 470 Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103 48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia) [1] Antes de imprimir este corr

Re: Xapian searches of the body of an email

2019-01-07 Thread Robert Stepanek
Hi, Sebastian is right: On Mon, Jan 7, 2019, at 3:57 PM, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote: > > squatter is nowadays a bit of a misnomer, because it uses > whatever index> you have configured. In cyrus 2.4, squatter would always > create a > SQUAT> index. When you run squatter with Xapian, it will build

Re: Xapian searches of the body of an email

2019-01-07 Thread Elías Halldór Ágústsson
Regarding indexing and searching in body of emails; what if the body text is encoded in base64 or quoted-printable? It won't yield any unencoded search strings, or what? Cyrus Home Page: List Archives/Info: To Unsubs

Re: Xapian searches of the body of an email

2019-01-07 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
As I wrote before, this should only be necessary as long as you are in the syncing stage of the migration. Once all new mail is delivered to the 3.0 server everything should just work – I think ;-) --On 7. Januar 2019 um 15:41:59 +0100 Egoitz Aurrekoetxea wrote: ctl_conversationsdb -z and

Re: Xapian searches of the body of an email

2019-01-07 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
That's a really good question. I had been hoping that the performance of a Xapian search would be much better than a SQUAT search, but now I'm not so sure. --On 7. Januar 2019 um 15:05:52 +0100 Egoitz Aurrekoetxea wrote: And, by the way when using Squatter instead of Xapian as a searc

Re: Xapian searches of the body of an email

2019-01-07 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
Hi, --On 7. Januar 2019 um 14:51:02 +0100 Egoitz Aurrekoetxea wrote: This seems to take ages... why don't you run it for a single account first, to make sure that it actually helps? I'm trying to figure the best way of implementing this and of clarifying concepts I'm running Squatt

Re: Xapian searches of the body of an email

2019-01-07 Thread Egoitz Aurrekoetxea
Sorry for asking again.. ctl_conversationsdb -z and -b (with -r I assume for all users) should be run only on new user accounts or... periodically for any user account?. Or does squatter maintain too the conversations database?. Best regards, --- EGOITZ AURREKOETXEA Departamento de sistemas

Re: Xapian searches of the body of an email

2019-01-07 Thread Egoitz Aurrekoetxea
And, by the way when using Squatter instead of Xapian as a search engine what do we really lost?. Just the fact of having a statistical worse results?. Is it Xapian faster than squat engine?. Sorry for having so many questions but... I suppose I don't have the implications of each one t

Re: Xapian searches of the body of an email

2019-01-07 Thread Egoitz Aurrekoetxea
Hi mate! This seems to take ages... I'm trying to figure the best way of implementing this and of clarifying concepts I'm running Squatter in rolling replication mode and exist the concept of conversations then. What is the exact role of each of them?. Squatter seems to index the mailbox but

Re: Xapian searches of the body of an email

2019-01-07 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
That sounds like the conversationsdb issue I was talking about. Have you tried these steps? ctl_conversationsdb -z USER ctl_conversationsdb -b USER I have been testing Xapian searches. Have seen, it's not able to find strings inside the body of the email. If I set in imap.conf "search_fuzzy_al

Xapian searches of the body of an email

2019-01-07 Thread Egoitz Aurrekoetxea
Good morning, I have been testing Xapian searches. Have seen, it's not able to find strings inside the body of the email. If I set in imap.conf "search_fuzzy_always: 1" no content is displayed in the searches of a Roundcube stock webmail. If I remove that config value from imap.conf and restart s