Good day,
you can use stunnel or nginx.
Best regards Jan Hendrik
Von meinem Samsung Galaxy Smartphone gesendet.
Ursprüngliche Nachricht Von: Nikos Gatsis - Qbit
Datum: 30.11.17 13:42 (GMT+01:00) An: Betreff: install certificate how to
Hello l
Quoting Nikos Gatsis - Qbit :
Hello list
I have a mailserver which serve about 40 virutal domains and many users
per domain using cyrus-imapd-2.4.17-13.el7.x86_64 and
How can I install a certificate per domain? Is that possible?
Now I use what cyrus manual su
Hiho Nikos,
Am Donnerstag, 30. November 2017, 13:42:46 CET schrieb Nikos Gatsis - Qbit:
> How can I install a certificate per domain? Is that possible?
Afaik there is no real Virtual Hosting within Cyrus / IMAP - means: You have
to run own cyrus instances for each hostname on own IPs (or at diff
Hello list
I have a mailserver which serve about 40 virutal domains and many users
per domain using cyrus-imapd-2.4.17-13.el7.x86_64 and
How can I install a certificate per domain? Is that possible?
Now I use what cyrus manual suggest: