I seen what RFC 5804 recommend to use port 4190.
Is it possible to run timsieved on 2000 and 4190 both ?
Regards, Sergey
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Op 30-08-17 om 21:08 schreef Paul Dekkers:
> I stumbled upon this, with Jessie (Debian 8) and compiled 2.5.x (not
> from a package). Processes didn't quit when sessions were long gone. I
> "solved" it by putting nginx as imap-proxy in front of Cyrus. (My
> suspicion was that it had something to do
That's a very good news!! :)
Happy to know it was not a problem on my build systems ;)
I just happened to upgrade to 2.5.11, btw, so I will give it a try again soon ;)
Sonicle S.r.l.
Quantum Mechanics :
It may be useful to get some hints at
(Use translate service to read, like from google).
There you could find the /etc/cyrus.conf file for the lab and its relevant
section "servic
On 08/31/2017 10:48 AM, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:
"BG" == Bron Gondwana writes:
BG> https://github.com/cyrusimap/cyrus-imapd/issues/2132
BG> We're pretty sure we've found the cause.
Do you plan to cut a 3.0.4 release or should I plan on pushing this
patch into my distro packages?
In the
> "BG" == Bron Gondwana writes:
BG> https://github.com/cyrusimap/cyrus-imapd/issues/2132
BG> We're pretty sure we've found the cause.
Do you plan to cut a 3.0.4 release or should I plan on pushing this
patch into my distro packages?
- J<
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
We have a cyrus server that's joined to an AD domain via winbind. Group
enumeration and expansion is enabled inside winbind, so getgrent(3)
delivers correct membership data for all groups. (Tested via getent
group as well as a small C program just to make sure.)
User A is in groups B and C; both h
Could someone please point me to a working howto about
getting sendmail to talk to/check in with smmapd to
validate users.
I've been trying to get this to work for days now, and can't
find anything remotely up to date.
I've been using FEATURE(`ckuser_cyrus') on an previously
running server