We're pretty sure we've found the cause. Sorry about not being active
in the thread earlier, it's been a busy couple of weeks at FastMail and
we haven't had time to deal with everything!
On Sat, 26 Aug 2017, at 23:57, Gabriele Bulfon wr
Greetings Cyrus Team
Cyrus-IMAP 3.x.y offers anti-virus protaction with ClamAV that invokes via
"cyr_virusscan". Man page doesn't have information for granulated configure
clamav side. There are such words in the man page: "Scan mailbox(es) or
messages for viruses using configured virus scanne
> On Aug 30, 2017, at 14:26, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
> Op 30-08-17 om 18:50 schreef Johan Hattne:
>>> On Aug 30, 2017, at 06:56, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am testing Cyrus Imapd 2.5.10 from Debian stable. What I see is that
>>> the imapd processes become more an
On 30/08/2017 12:56, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
> Hello,
> I am testing Cyrus Imapd 2.5.10 from Debian stable. What I see is that
> the imapd processes become more and more overtime untill they reach the
> maxchild value, and then there is a problem. I see this with "ps aux |
> grep imapd".
Op 30-08-17 om 18:50 schreef Johan Hattne:
>> On Aug 30, 2017, at 06:56, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am testing Cyrus Imapd 2.5.10 from Debian stable. What I see is that
>> the imapd processes become more and more overtime untill they reach the
>> maxchild value, and then ther
> On Aug 30, 2017, at 06:56, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
> Hello,
> I am testing Cyrus Imapd 2.5.10 from Debian stable. What I see is that
> the imapd processes become more and more overtime untill they reach the
> maxchild value, and then there is a problem. I see this with "ps aux |
> grep
I am testing Cyrus Imapd 2.5.10 from Debian stable. What I see is that
the imapd processes become more and more overtime untill they reach the
maxchild value, and then there is a problem. I see this with "ps aux |
grep imapd".
The server is only used by a few devices.
Maybe I miss someth
Jason thanks a lot for specific knowledge. I'll try rebuid AVP with latest
openssl libs
>Суббота, 26 августа 2017, 11:31 +07:00 от Jason L Tibbitts III
>> "AS" == Anton Shilov via Info-cyrus < >
>> writes:
>AS> I think it is missconfig because Cl