Never mind, my mistake...
> -Original Message-
> From: Jason L Tibbitts III []
> Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 1:12 PM
> To: Rosenbaum, Larry M.
> Cc: ''
> Subject: Re: Can't find icu-uc to build IMAP 3.0.0
> > "RLM" == Rose
> From: Jason L Tibbitts III []
> > "RLM" == Rosenbaum, Larry M writes:
> RLM> I am trying to build Cyrus-IMAP 3.0.0 on RHEL6.
> That's pretty old these days EL6 has a version of libicu that
> doesn't include any of the icu-* pkgconfig files. It does cont
> "RLM" == Rosenbaum, Larry M writes:
RLM> I am trying to build Cyrus-IMAP 3.0.0 on RHEL6.
That's pretty old these days EL6 has a version of libicu that
doesn't include any of the icu-* pkgconfig files. It does contain
libicuuc, though. You just need to tell the configure script to us
On Wed, Apr 12, 2017, at 18:29, Rosenbaum, Larry M. wrote:
> I am trying to build Cyrus-IMAP 3.0.0 on RHEL6. I am getting the
> following build error:
> checking for ICU... configure: error: Package requirements (icu-uc)
> were not met:
> No package 'icu-uc' found
> Conside
How to switch on logging for smmapd?
Setup: FreeBSD 11, cyrus-imapd 3.
=== imapd.conf ===
admins: cyrus
allowanonymouslogin: no
allowplaintext: yes
altnamespace: yes
annotation_db: skiplist
auditlog: 1
configdirectory: /data/imap
debug: 1
defaultpartition: default
imapidresponse: yes