On 01/15/2015 10:04 AM, Wolfgang Breyha wrote:
> Maybe
> https://bettercrypto.org/
> is of help.
Thanks for both writing and sharing that document. Unfortunately it
only has this to say about cyrus-imap:
Limiting the ciphers provided may force
Patrick Goetz wrote on 15/01/15 13:34:
> Does anyone have a secure, functional cipher list entry they'd like to
> share?
is of help.
This document includes not only cyrus-imapd.
Greetings, Wolfgang
Wolfgang Breyha | http://www.blafasel.at/
Vienna University
> On 15 Jan 2015, at 12:34, Patrick Goetz wrote:
> Does anyone have a secure, functional cipher list entry they'd like to
> share?
I’m using the following on 2.4.17-caldav-b10
Functional yes; I won’t make any promises about secure,
So, perhaps unsurprisingly, TLS is giving me problems. I'm trying to
enforce allowplaintext: no and am running into some issues with ciphers.
I started with this cipher list:
tls_cipher_list: TLSv1.2+HIGH:!aNULL:@STRENGTH
and got this error:
no shared cipher in SSL_accept() -> fail
RLIM_INFINITY is defined as ~0ULL, at least on my system. If it's cast to a
signed value, that will come out at -1, no?
My problem with systemd isn't that it doesn't work, it's that it's
all-pervasive and viral, and forces people who've been using standard unix
mechanisms for 20 years to learn som
I'm firing up cyrus 2.4.17 for the first time on a new platform (Arch
linux w/ systemd) and noticed the following error message (running
journalctl -u cyrus-master):
Jan 15 04:08:50 ibis cyrus/master[701]: setrlimit: Unable to set file
descriptors limit to -1: Operation not permitted
Jan 15 04: