> According to Apple's manual, Mail searches all folders like this:
> "Searching looks at the address fields, the subject, and the message
> body."
FYI when we found out about this change, we made all BODY searches from
iOS become FUZZY BODY searches to make them work reasonably.
> # Any time the disk gets over 50%, compress -o single down to data
> 13 * * * * /home/mod_perl/hm/scripts/xapian_compact.pl -a -o -d 50 temp
> data
> # Copy the temporary search databases down to data during the week
> 43 1 * * 1,2,3,4,5,6 /home/mod_perl/hm/scripts/xapian_compact.pl -a
> temp,
today a saw a lot of messages like this in my mail.log (Cyrus 2.4.12)
Sep 23 15:54:04 testserv cyrus/imaps[21530]: Remove of supposedly empty
directory /var/spool/cyrus/mail/s/user/test/aaa failed: Directory not
Those messages come up when renaming folders using eg. Thunderbird:
- cr
On Tue, Sep 23, 2014, at 06:58 PM, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:
> Hi,
> as I mentioned a few days ago, we're considering metapartions on SSD drives
> in order to optimize IMAP search performance. We have yet to run a full
> analysis on how much storage that would require, but a first guesstimate
Quoting Bron Gondwana :
This gives us a little over month to get things ship-shape. Tidy up
the loose ends. Make sure we've tested the things that people need
tested. There's tons of stuff in bugzilla that needs to be sorted
out, patches applied, etc. We'll be working to the 'mast
as I mentioned a few days ago, we're considering metapartions on SSD drives
in order to optimize IMAP search performance. We have yet to run a full
analysis on how much storage that would require, but a first guesstimate
points towards about 20% of the net mail data for all the cyrus.* fil