Hey All,
Been using Cyrus on a light level for my job and have been making sure
we have enough storage space so that Cyrus doesn't freeze up because we
didn't know it was full. I have a couple of questions as it's become an
involved process every couple of months moving multiple user's to a ne
- Original Message -
From: "Steinar Kaarø"
Sent:Fri, 22 Feb 2013 09:38:55 +0100
Subject:Re: Exchange to cyrus-imapd mail migration query
--On Thursday, February 21, 2013 11:33:33 PM -0800
jayesh.shi...@netcore.co.in wrote:
> Hi Imap sync works on a imap account of excha
--On Thursday, February 21, 2013 11:33:33 PM -0800
jayesh.shi...@netcore.co.in wrote:
> Hi Imap sync works on a imap account of exchange , If I already
> know the excahnge user's password.
> But currently the problem is I am using an Exchange administrator
> account , with a "delegated" mail