My question is: Is there a mechanism to automatically assign a
default acl to a specific mailbox upon creation? I found the
configuration option defaultacl but, this states that it is
specifically used by mailboxes OTHER than users.
The reason this featur
The source from horde3 is exactly the same as horde4 and I think all
the message parts are there, at least there is a . If you
want I can forward you the message to your personal mail.
Rodrigo Abrantes Antunes
Técnico em Tecnologia da Informação
Coordenadoria de Manutenção e Redes
On 21/06/2012 12:18, Adam Tauno
Williams wrote:
On Thu, 2012-06-21 at 11:57 +0200, Javier Sánchez-Arévalo Díaz wrote:
I'm experiencing some problems moving a mailbox from one partition
("default") to another ("part3").
I have already moved more
On Wed, 2012-06-20 at 18:20 -0300, Rodrigo Abantes Antunes wrote:
> Hi, I use horde webmail and I thought my problem was related to horde
> but like they said it isn't, it's something to do with cyrus, I'd like
> your help to discover what could I do to solve this. My problem is
> described h
On Thu, 2012-06-21 at 11:57 +0200, Javier Sánchez-Arévalo Díaz wrote:
> I'm experiencing some problems moving a mailbox from one partition
> ("default") to another ("part3").
> I have already moved more than 19000 mailboxes from "default" to
> "part3" but I don't know why I'm unable to move
> "use
Hi to everybody,
I'm experiencing some problems moving a mailbox from one partition
("default") to another ("part3").
I have already moved more than 19000 mailboxes from "default" to
"part3" but I don't know why I'm unable to move