On 23 Jul 2008, at 13:44, Paul Engle wrote:
> You do have to do the ctl_mboxlist -d to get the specific timecode,
> though.
You can also use, e.g.:
cyradm> lm DELETED.user.wc2263.*
DELETED.user.wc2263.EG.487BF83F (\HasNoChildren)
DELETED.user.wc2263.XXX.487BF841 (\HasNoC
>> We then copied the contents of the timestamped folders to a newly
>> created folder in the user's mailbox. Our internal documentation said
>> not to copy the metadata (i.e. the cyrus.xxx files), but I don't
>> remember why. Is that the right thing to do? It caused us some headaches
>> later on.
Hash: SHA1
- --On Wednesday, July 23, 2008 6:58 PM +0200 Sebastian Hagedorn <[EMAIL
PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The first issue was finding the deleted mailboxes. It seems they can be
> anywhere, more or less. We have three partitions. We managed to find them by
we're running Cyrus 2.3.11 with "delete_mode: delayed". Today, for the
first time since using that feature, we had to undelete an entire hierarchy
of mailboxes a user had inadvertently deleted. We found that it was more
tricky than we had anticipated. This is an anecdotal report of how we
I have cyrus-imapd v2.3.12p2, and no db with `berkeley' in imapd.conf.
Then, every checkpoint period (now I have 30m), the following errors
appears in log (3 times):
[...] ctl_cyrusdb[42037]: DBERROR: error listing log files: DB_NOTFOUND:
No matching key/data pair found