If by the time I get home you don't have it I think I can put it upnot
totally sure about the legality so I'll preface it with this is ONLY for
users who legally obtained a copy before Cyrusoft went under but I have the
following files from Cyrusoft:
--On June 8, 2006 2:59:37 PM -0600 "Eric S. Pulley"
> Anybody got a link for a download location for Mulberry 3 or 4 for
> Solaris or Linux?
> There are a fare number of Universities that still have it but they
> restrict access to there DL servers.
> Thanks.
I have cryus-imap 2.2.12 running on a freebsd-6.0 box, after a
spam attack, reading emails for two users doest work.
When i try to read my email cyrus-imap exists with
following errors:
Jun 8 12:53:05 host master[462]: process 68243 exited, signaled to
death by 6
Jun 8 12:53:05 host mas
On Jun 8, 2006, at 7:28 AM, Marek Must wrote:
Jun 8 14:04:48 mail lmtpunix[13729]: DBERROR db4: Logging region
out of memory; you may need to increase its size
Jun 8 14:04:48 mail lmtpunix[13729]: DBERROR: opening /var/lib/
imap/deliver.db: Cannot allocate memory
Jun 8 14:04:48 mail lmtpun
Jun 8 14:04:48 mail lmtpunix[13729]: DBERROR db4: Logging region out of
memory; you may need to increase its size
Jun 8 14:04:48 mail lmtpunix[13729]: DBERROR: opening
/var/lib/imap/deliver.db: Cannot allocate memory
Jun 8 14:04:48 mail lmtpunix[13729]: DBERROR: opening
On Thu, 2006-06-08 at 09:21 +0300, Igor Belikov wrote:
> SD> I would rather look at the log of the sql server.
> No errors.
did you make sure it's not a problem with entropy for /dev/random? I
never saw you reply to that suggestion.
Kjetil T.
Cyrus Home Page: http://asg.web.cmu.edu
On Wed, Jun 07, 2006 at 11:52:16AM +1200, Roland Pope wrote:
> Bron Gondwana wrote:
> >Unless sync_server is logging all its actions to sync_client then this is
> >a bit pointless, Replica2 will never have anything automatically sent to
> >it. A quick grep of my 2.3.6 source directory suggests tha
former03 | Baltasar Cevc a écrit :
Hi Jerome,
that sounds like a permission problem.
Make sure that the user that is used for delivery is listed in
lmtp_admins in imapd.conf or give it the permissions to post (p, if I'm
not mistaken) to the mailbox.
You'll either have some explicit configura