Odd behaviour of ctl_cyrusdb ...

2006-04-30 Thread Marc G. Fournier
I'm getting this on one server running 2.2.12 ... cyrus 16252 0.0 0.0 20928 1756 ?? SJ2:15AM 0:00.05 ctl_cyrusdb -c cyrus 14714 0.0 0.0 20928 1756 ?? SJ1:45AM 0:00.07 ctl_cyrusdb -c cyrus 12881 0.0 0.0 20928 1756 ?? SJ1:15AM 0:00.10 ctl_cyrusdb -c cyrus 1146

More robust INDEXing

2006-04-30 Thread Forrest Aldrich
Slightly OT: however, there are a few programs out there that offer a richer indexing method (a la Google for your email). I wonder if there's a place for that somewhere in the Cyrus structure. There's obvious utility in a richer search-and-find method. I'm probably not alone with my hoard of

migrating to a different db

2006-04-30 Thread Mark Edwards
Can someone tell me what the repercussions of rebuilding cyrus with a different db, say db43 instead of db41, and starting the new one up with the same data and configuration? Will it run? Will there be data corruption of any kind? Thanks! -- Mark Edwards Cyrus Home Page: http://a

prepare large site migration

2006-04-30 Thread Andrzej Kwiatkowski
Hi. I'm preparing for migrating about 30k account from Netscape Messaging Server to Cyrus (yeah... cyrus rules, NMS sucks ;-) ) And now i want to find out the best solutions for this. NMS has very similar structure of mailboxes 1. Imap Copy 2. Tar ; untar mailbox and reconstruct, 3. Get mails f

Re: Moving messages from one folder to another

2006-04-30 Thread Arnaud Launay
Le Tue, Apr 25, 2006 at 08:09:19PM +0200, Yann Rouillard a écrit: > A nicer solution would be that imap clients use annotation to guess > which folder must be used as Drafts,Sent,... but that's not the case ! What about trying to use symbolic or hard links ? (ln on the FS) Arnaud. -- Per

idled vs poll

2006-04-30 Thread Jorey Bump
Cyrus IMAP advertises IDLE, and the docs mention that the default method is "poll", but shed little light on the use of idled as an alternative. Which method is preferred, better performing (for users and/or servers), and more robust? Cyrus Home Page: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus Cyru

RE: Cyrus Murder SASL Authentication Problem

2006-04-30 Thread Andrew Morgan
On Sat, 29 Apr 2006, Xue, Chongjie "Jack" wrote: Andy, According to your suggestion, my IMAP login is working now. I can now connect imap clients through my frontend servers to access mail boxes in the backend node. However, I still _failed_ to deliver mail via Postfix LMTP through Cyrus LMTPPr

Cyrus virtual domain & replication...

2006-04-30 Thread Robert Mueller
I'm interested in the new replication stuff, which is why I want to do the upgrade ... I'm not entirely sure that replication plays nice with virtdomains yet. IIRC, there is a bug in bugzilla for this. So just checking, is there anyone out there currently using cyrus with virtual domains and