I have about 50,000 messages in a maildir. I am trying to import them
into my Cyrus mailbox, and I have gotten one to import successfully. I
continually get a message 'invalid headers'. Mozilla [1.2.1] says:
The current command did not succeed the mail server responded: Message
contains invali
Christian Schulte wrote:
> Ken Murchison wrote:
> >Christian Schulte wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Ken Murchison wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>Christian Schulte wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> Ken Murchison wrote:
> >Christian Schulte wrote:
> >
> >
> >
Harrie Hazewinkel wrote:
> Ciao,
> I managed to install the cyrus-imap server and while testing
> I noticed the following:
> * OK hostname Cyrus IMAP4 v2.1.11 server ready
> x LOGIN userA
> x OK User logged in
> * NAMESPACE (("INBOX/" "/")) (("user/" "/")) (("" "/"))
> x O
Ken Murchison wrote:
Christian Schulte wrote:
Ken Murchison wrote:
Christian Schulte wrote:
Ken Murchison wrote:
Christian Schulte wrote:
Ken Murchison wrote:
Christian Schulte wrote:
I am running 2_2 cvs bra
Ken Murchison wrote:
Christian Schulte wrote:
Ken Murchison wrote:
Christian Schulte wrote:
Ken Murchison wrote:
Christian Schulte wrote:
Ken Murchison wrote:
Christian Schulte wrote:
I am running 2_2 cvs bra
I managed to install the cyrus-imap server and while testing
I noticed the following:
* OK hostname Cyrus IMAP4 v2.1.11 server ready
x LOGIN userA
x OK User logged in
* NAMESPACE (("INBOX/" "/")) (("user/" "/")) (("" "/"))
x OK Completed
* OK hostname Cyrus IMAP4 v2.1.11 serv
Thanks, That works.
I did creat those folders in IMAP, but they will show up under "Inbox".
-Original Message-
From: Bryntez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: December 6, 2002 3:22 PM
To: Su Li
Subject: Re: Outobox, Sent Items, Deleted Items folders
If you go into the properties
On Fri, 6 Dec 2002, Su Li wrote:
> I set up MS Outlook Express to get mail from Cyrus IMAP. When I creat a
> user, I only get "Ibox" folder. How can I get "Outobox", "Sent Items",
> "Deleted Items"? Is there any thing in Cyrus IMAP, I should turn it on
> to enable this?
You could create these add
I set up MS Outlook Express to get mail from Cyrus IMAP. When I creat a user, I only
get "Ibox" folder. How can I get "Outobox", "Sent Items", "Deleted Items"? Is there
any thing in Cyrus IMAP, I should turn it on to enable this?
squatter is exiting with error Closing index: No such file or directory.
$ squatter -v -r user.foo
Indexing mailbox user.foo... Closing index: No such file or directory
I see a 0 length file called cyrus.squat.tmp created in the user's
message store.
What's wrong?
squatter is exiting with error "Closing index: No such file or
cyrus@spnode19$ squatter -v -r user.foo
Indexing mailbox user.foo... Closing index: No such file or directory
I see a file named cyrus.squat.tmp in the user's mail store.
Gautam Das
On Fri, 2002-12-06 at 12:27, John Hughes wrote:
> Hah! I've been using vxfs for so long I'd completely forgotten
> about having to pre-allocate indodes! Oh bugger, another thing
> to miss when I have to stop using UnixWare.
Don't forget ReiserFS (on Linux)...
$ df -i
In the words of Roseanne Rosannadanna, "Nevermind."
Manually browsed http://people.debian.org/~hmh/packages/woody/ looking for
packages that weren't automatically grabbed when I ran 'dselect'.
Starting grabbing packages with 'dselect', particularly THESE:
ii libsasl2-modul 2.1.9-5.woody1
ii li
Do I need to activate something during the compilation (configure) or is it
per default enabled in 2.1.11 ?
|| |
|| Rob Siemborski |
|| <[EMAI
> Works fine for us. Tis nice not having to worry about running out
> of inodes. ;-) (Using Solaris vxfs, BTW.)
Hah! I've been using vxfs for so long I'd completely forgotten
about having to pre-allocate indodes! Oh bugger, another thing
to miss when I have to stop using UnixWare.
On Fri, 6 Dec 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Do I need to activate something during the compilation (configure) or is it
> per default enabled in 2.1.11 ?
> Regards
> Marc
> |+->
> ||
> I'm sure some of you use vxfs on solaris for cyrus mail spool ...
> What are your expiriences? Tunning tips? Maybe any vxfs on linux
> expiriences out there?
I run cyrus on UnixWare, where vxfs is the default filesystem.
We use vxfs snapshot & vxdump for backups without shutdown.
--On Thursday, December 5, 2002 11:38 PM +0100 Christoph Burger-Scheidlin
| Dec 5 23:03:25 Hades postfix/lmtp[16388]: 04316100F:
| to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, relay=public/lmtp[public/lmtp],
| delay=21490, status=deferred (host public/lmtp[public/lmtp] said: 451
| 4.3.0 Sy
What does exactly that skiplist feature do ?
Its an improved database backend that is optimized for enumeration, which
happens a lot with the mailbox list.
Berkeley DB is not optimized for enumeration, and while flat can give you
fast enumeration, it is tremendously slow to update.
On Fri, 6 Dec 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> What
In my main.cf I use mailbox_transport = cyrus and its working very well.
I installed cyrus-imapd-2.0.16_2 and postfix-20020107 in a FreeBSD 4.5 box.
Hope it helps !
Darci Tartari
Citando Christoph Burger-Scheidlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On Fri, 6 Dec 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> For a production mail server, which version of Cyrus IMAPD should I use ?
> Version 2.0.17 or version 2.1.11 ? And what are the differences really
> between those two latest versions ?
2.0.17 is only intended for sites which are upgrading from previou
2.1.11, with skiplist for mboxlist.db (I believe now the default).
--On Friday, December 6, 2002 4:49 PM +0100 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Hello,
| For a production mail server, which version of Cyrus IMAPD should I use ?
| Version 2.0.17 or version 2.1.11 ? And what are the differences really
For a production mail server, which version of Cyrus IMAPD should I use ?
Version 2.0.17 or version 2.1.11 ? And what are the differences really
between those two latest versions ?
Upgraded from HMH's cyrus21 2.1.9-6 to 2.1.10-5 after adding the
appropriate lines to my sources.list for Henrique's backports on Debian
Woody. After migrating to skiplist, cyrus worked great except for sieve
which no longer sees any authentication methods. Sieve worked fine
before, I don't under
On Wed, 23 Oct 2002 at 15:55 Aidan Evans wrote to Info Cyrus, Rob...
>On Sat, 19 Oct 2002 at 10:49 Rob Siemborski wrote to Aidan Evans and Info Cyrus
>>On Sat, 19 Oct 2002, Aidan Evans wrote:
>>> My experience with DB 4.0.14 on RedHat Linux 7.2 is two instances of
>>> complete failure of
> From your last message with your cyrus.conf, this should likely be:
> mailbox_transport=lmtp:unix:/var/spool/postfix/public/lmtp
> Chris
Done so, but it doesn't seem to change the problem.
--On Friday, December 6, 2002 3:27 PM +0100 Jure Pecar
| I'm sure some of you use vxfs on solaris for cyrus mail spool ... What are
| your expiriences? Tunning tips? Maybe any vxfs on linux expiriences out
| there?
Works fine for us. Tis nice not having to worry about
Either stop logging at the DEBUG level or check the archives for an
explanation (I'm tired of repeating myself). In short, its harmless.
> i regularly get this message if a user is opening his mailbox. i fear it's
> slowing down the server? cyrus working fine except f
On Fri, 6 Dec 2002, Harrie Hazewinkel wrote:
> I was wondering if some one could point me in the right direction
> in order to look at the message store API. I would like to see
Depending on how much of the message store API you mean, you're looking at
atleast index.c, append.c, and mailbox.c.
Hi all,
I'm sure some of you use vxfs on solaris for cyrus mail spool ... What are
your expiriences? Tunning tips? Maybe any vxfs on linux expiriences out
Jure Pecar
On Thu, 5 Dec 2002, Christoph Burger-Scheidlin wrote:
> I noticed that deliver does not deliver mails if run from the shell. Is
> this normal? If not, what might I try to fix that?
> I am running SuSE 8.0, Postfix and Cyrus.
What's the exit status? Does it log anything?
Dave McMurtrie,
i regularly get this message if a user is opening his mailbox. i fear it's
slowing down the server? cyrus working fine except for this error...
Dec 6 08:00:24 wurstbude imapd[32764]: SQUAT failed to open index file
Dec 6 08:00:24 wurstbude imapd[32764]: SQUAT failed
Christoph Burger-Scheidlin wrote:
>What is local_transport set to in your main.cf?
Local transport is not set, I thought mailbox_transport should do:
mailbox_transport = lmtp:unix:public/lmtp
From your last message with your cyrus.conf, this should likely be:
On Fri, 06 Dec 2002, Oleg Derevenetz wrote:
> Nicola Ranaldo wrote:
> >I think master would check exit value of its childs and decrement the
> >number
> >of ready_workers.
> It seems like you perfectly right. I wrote a quick fix (i will be very
> thankful if you check my fix and correct me if
Nicola Ranaldo wrote:
I think master would check exit value of its childs and decrement the number
of ready_workers.
It seems like you perfectly right. I wrote a quick fix (i will be very
thankful if you check my fix and correct me if I am wrong) and it works
:-) Attachment contain this fix.
I was wondering if some one could point me in the right direction
in order to look at the message store API. I would like to see
what must be done in order to have a different message store backend
that contains the email messages.
Thanks by advance,
Software developer, Technical D
Ken, the patch works perfectly;
Dec 6 09:51:30 dustpuppy pop3d[7222]: badlogin: [] plaintext steve
SASL(-13): authentication failure: checkpass failed
Surprised this hasn't been reported before :)
Many thanks,
On Friday 06 December 2002 04:49, you wrote:
> It looks like this
I think master would check exit value of its childs and decrement the number
of ready_workers.
Nicola Ranaldo
> When some pop3d dies with signal (i.e. SIGTERM), all incoming
> connections to corresponding address:port are hangs. For example, if I
> have pop3d running on
39 matches
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