The code works fine 98% of the time, but some users it seems to
core dump on them. One user has this in their directory (8 Messages):
total 768
drwx--2 cyruscyrus4096 Nov 22 15:02 .
drwx-- 80 cyruscyrus4096 Nov 21 17:08 ..
-rw---1 cyruscyrus
Hi Jeremy,
Sorry I've not been in touch - been kinda busy trying to build this thing.
It's currently "very alpha".
There are four files attached. notify_socket.c,, imapd.conf
and notify.conf
The imapd.conf and notify.conf files contain config information about
servers & ports, a
I noticed today that reconstruct -m is not yet implemented. Any idea when?
I am currently using the MessagingDirect mailstore which uses a flat file for the
mailboxes database. I have been testing on a limited scale cyrus-2.0.7 without any
hitch and plan to move it into production in ear
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 17:33:20 +1100
From: Stephen Fischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I'm interested in having the deliver program automatically create
mailboxes when it receives a mail item addressed to an address of
the correct format but which does not already exist. I found some
"autocreatequota" only applies to user-created INBOXs (when the user
connects to the imap server and issues a "CREATE INBOX"). Most
clients won't do this; it's mostly meant as a local hack for utilities
that allow a user to establish their own IMAP inbox.
Administrators creating a user's mailbox