ware Webmail Edition 5.2.6, up to date, complete pear install
IMP: last 6.2.8, with html attachments displayed inline.
iPhone: confirmed with IOS 7 and IOS 8, safari
iPad: confirmed with IOS 8, safari and chrome
Jean Charles Delépine
imp mailing list
Frequently A
Jean Charles Delépine écrivait (wrote) :
> Hello,
> In mobile view, when viewing an html mail with lines larger than the screen,
> only first part of the lines is displayed and the other part can't be viewed
> (line isn't wrap and screen doesn't scroll).
The url given in mail while sending a big file via imp :
1. rmc-20090924.ogg (99,8 Mo) [audio/ogg]
Télécharger le lien :
doesn't work : here's what firefox give me :
Jean Charles Delépine écrivait (wrote) :
> Hello,
> The url given in mail while sending a big file via imp :
> 1. rmc-20090924.ogg (99,8 Mo) [audio/ogg]
> Télécharger le lien :
> https://webmail.u-picardie.fr/services/ajax.php/horde/imp/attachment.php?id=56
only to me, or only to an alias, or ...
Jean Charles Delépine
imp mailing list
Frequently Asked Questions: http://wiki.horde.org/FAQ
To unsubscribe, mail: imp-unsubscr...@lists.horde.org
Quoting Michael J Rubinsky :
Quoting Jean Charles Delépine :
I can't find a way to add a button "Add Reply-To" near the "Add Cc"
and "Add Cci" in compose window.
Is there any option/configuration I miss ?
One tipical usage of the Reply-To heade