Make sure to have $conf[server][change_server] enabled in imp's configuration.
Zitat von Lee Gillentine :
I've set up my server in servers.php and can log in to mail successfully.
However, IMP doesn't seem to remember the authentication credentials I set
in the global options of Horde, and asks
I've set up my server in servers.php and can log in to mail successfully.
However, IMP doesn't seem to remember the authentication credentials I set
in the global options of Horde, and asks me for user name and password again
when I go to mail.
Is there something I need to set in the preferences o
Quoting Lee Gillentine :
I'm trying to set up my horde so that a user can log into horde with
"username1" and it will automatically log them into an IMAP server on a
3rd-party server with "". In the global
options->authentication credentials for username1, I'
I'm trying to set up my horde so that a user can log into horde with
"username1" and it will automatically log them into an IMAP server on a
3rd-party server with "". In the global
options->authentication credentials for username1, I've given them the
proper user