2012/9/15 Michael J Rubinsky :
> Quoting p...@ddm.se:
>> Mike,
>> As you requested a new message entered on an IOS device (iPad).
>> Some non-ASCII chars on next line
>> ÅäöÅäöüÜß
>> Best regards
>> Per Josefsson
> Great, thanks.
> Can you see if the following patch fixes it for
Excellent, worked like a charm! Thank you so much.
I can confirm that when receiving a message on an iPad (over ActiveSync)
the message is correctly displayed, i.e., åäöÅÄÖ are correctly shown
(both in subject line and message body).
Best regards
Per Josefsson
On 9/15/2012 9:43 PM, Michael J
Quoting p...@ddm.se:
As you requested a new message entered on an IOS device (iPad).
Some non-ASCII chars on next line
Best regards
Per Josefsson
Great, thanks.
Can you see if the following patch fixes it for you? Seems to work for
me now here.
Quoting Samuel Wolf :
2012/9/12 Per Josefsson :
Dear all,
How comes non-ascii characters are not shown correctly on my iPhone?
Characters such as åäöÅÄÖ are correpted and shows as YEN, copyright etc.
symbols. When viewing the same mail in IMP characters are correctly
displayed as is the case
2012/9/12 Per Josefsson :
> Dear all,
> How comes non-ascii characters are not shown correctly on my iPhone?
> Characters such as åäöÅÄÖ are correpted and shows as YEN, copyright etc.
> symbols. When viewing the same mail in IMP characters are correctly
> displayed as is the case when IMAPing t
Dear all,
How comes non-ascii characters are not shown correctly on my iPhone?
Characters such as åäöÅÄÖ are correpted and shows as YEN, copyright
etc. symbols. When viewing the same mail in IMP characters are
correctly displayed as is the case when IMAPing the message with
Thunderbird (wh