Jan Schneider horde.org> writes:
Zitat von Mainul Islam yahoo.com>:
Jan Schneider horde.org> writes:
Zitat von Mainul Islam yahoo.com>:
I have installed the latest version of horde-3.2-rc3 and
imp-h3-4.2.rc3 when i
am accessing one of my mailbox i am getting t
Jan Schneider horde.org> writes:
Zitat von Mainul Islam yahoo.com>:
I have installed the latest version of horde-3.2-rc3 and
imp-h3-4.2.rc3 when i
am accessing one of my mailbox i am getting this error in the beginining
"horde_block_imp_mailbox not found. though i c
ge in the begining
after authentication. waiting for the quick response.
Mainul Islam
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after receiving suggestion I have upgraded the mimp to mimp-h3-1.1-rc1.tar.gz
but still mimp accessing problem from mobile. I have tested from mobile 6230 its
always giving me the same message " data you are sending will be redirected to
another server continue?" after giving username and passw
Still now no one respond to my mail. pls somebody suggests what to do. i am
waiting for your quick response.
I just installed MIMP-1.0.1 and its working fine through webpage also from opera
mini from mobile but when i am trying from mobile phone using mobile client
continously showing at mobil
almost a week has gone didnt get any response so sending it again.
I just installed MIMP-1.0.1 and its working fine through webpage also from opera
mini from mobile but when i am trying from mobile phone using mobile client
continously showing at mobile
Data you are sending will be redirected
I just installed MIMP-1.0.1 and its working fine through webpage also from opera
mini from mobile but when i am trying from mobile phone using mobile client
continously showing at mobile
Data you are sending will be redirected to another server continue? when i am
pressing continue its coming