Quoting LALOT Dominique :
Fixed for you but you are a little bit scaring me. Can you switch back to
memcache to see if it still happens?
Yes. I can toggle it on and off, and it works or not based on that setting.
There should be another problem sowewhere..
Nope, that's the only problem I'
Quoting mtec...@biof.ufrj.br:
Problem 1.
The use of volumes generates long names for the partitions, wich
wraps the response line of the quota command (Debian 6). As the
result, IMP displays "No limit". Horde logs:
Known, problem, discussed before on the mailing lists.
Use "quota -uw" in the
Quoting Wolfgang Rauchholz :
I want to access horde through SSL.
There are horde settings which control this which you want to make sure
you set...
I changed mod-rewrite.con accordingly and whist with other webpages
it works fine, I get he following error message with horde:
Problem loadi
Quoting Brian Leggee :
My IPAD automaticlly starts up MIMP when I rum IMP thru a Browser
(via webmail.MYDOMAIN.com). On the Login Screen, I DO select
"Traditional" not "Minimalist". How do I either force it to run IMP
instead of MIMP, or is there a different link that does this?
See the list a
Quoting Harlan Stenn :
I'm having no luck with imp (4.3.9) when accessing IMAP folders that are
managed by dovecot (1.2.14).
I use IMP 4.3.10-cvs with dovecot 1.2.11 without problems.
I have tried messages with and without initial "From " lines.
Using mbox then? I use mbox. Couldn't help
Quoting Wayne Catterton :
Ok, I've got horde setup to use imp for auth, and imp is set to auth
through imap. I'll leave this alone.
If you go to /horde/imp/test.php (or whatever your path is to IMP's
test.php) and test the authentication at the bottom, is it fast or
Eric Ro
Quoting Wayne Catterton :
everything in horde-webmail is working, but the login is very slow, maybe
5-10 seconds, and anything to do with mail is slow, about the same
response as the login.
Login and each IMP request do an IMAP login. So it makes sense that they
are about the same speed, and
Quoting Ferdinand Gruber :
The mail server is running under Suse Linux 11.1. I know that the
aliases must be defined in /etc/aliases and as root I am able to do this
but I want to grant users to define their own aliases.
I supposed that Imp is able to make this possible.
AFAIK there is no way
Quoting Thierry CHEN :
I followed the FAQ
but nothing shown as shared in any user account.
Did you actually share it with someone (i.e., give it permissions
for someone else, etc)? What did you do exactly?
Could somebody help on
Quoting Brian Leggee :
All the Emails I receive from one company are coming in as HTML
instead of rendering. Any ideas what I can do about this? Since it is
Usually it means they are sending the email without the required Mime-version
header. There should be a header in the email which loo
Quoting mtec...@biof.ufrj.br:
Is there any advantage using Dimp?
Matter of choice/preference.
Can Dimp be installed in Horde
with Mimp also installed, or is it one or another?
Yes, you can run IMP/MIMP/DIMP all together without problem.
Thank you,
Eric Rostetter
The Departm
Quoting Pete Masse :
It seems to me that the admin account has the ability to read all of
the user's email from his/her login screen.
Not as part of Horde/IMP, but you can configure dovecot to allow
access to all user's mail (via a "master password" setup).
Eric Rostetter
The Department o
Quoting edward...@ita.org.mo:
This is the proper place to configure it...
'quota' => array(
'driver' => 'command',
'params' => array(
'quota_path' => '/usr/bin/quota',
'grep_path' => '/bin/grep'
You can change the above to 'quota_path' => '/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bi
Quoting Jan Schneider :
I see the argument for including the code to support the hook, but not
provide his actual hook code... Then people who do want a pre-reply hook
would be able to write one (say, maybe it checks for replies to known
phishing addresses, or something else potentially useful)
Quoting Lloyd Zusman :
But this proposed "prereply" hook would be equally generic as
"postlogin", "postsent", "signature", and most of the other hooks that
already exist. People can write whatever code they want for these
existing hooks. Why would mine be any different?
I see the argument for
Quoting robert sand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
We are using https.
Sorry I even asked.
I've been following this thread for some time, and must say, I couldn't
figure out what your problem was either, until the last message.
If you don't know the answer why even reply.
Just because you
Quoting gimili <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
#1 My os is winxp and with firefox 3.01 I have to hit tab 20 times after
entering the subject to get to the body. I use the stable versions of
Using FW_3, linux w/ FF 3, I have to hit tab 3 times after subject
(charset, save a copy in, then body).
How many
Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Me too, though I'd be more interested if I had an iPod Touch. :)
Actually, I've only tested my patch with an iPhone, not with any
iPod, so it may not work for the iPod iff the iPod uses a different
user agent string for the browser. But, it should
Quoting eculp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I am very interested in your solution.
RCS file: /repository/framework/Browser/Browser.php,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.153.2.64 Browser.php
--- Browser.php 9 Jun 2008 17:33:03 -
+++ Browser.php 28 Aug 2008 17:41:10 -
Quoting Arminas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
It is the server. The client can't do anything about it. The only way you
can prevent this in the client is to disable the setting that allows people
to move mail to a Trash folder when deleting messages.
Or maybe use the virtual trash folder rather than a
Quoting Arminas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
But this is not mail server's care. It's all about client programs. If
quota is reached so user must not be able to move his emails to any
other folder except deleting permanently.
Then don't move them to a folder. No one said you have to use a (non-virtua
Quoting Kevin Konowalec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Has anyone else had any success with getting imp working again on
mobile browsers?
It works fine on almost all mobile browsers. There is an issue with
the iphone/touch, but it is more of a preference than a real bug.
Prior to upgrading to horde 3
Whenever I get a message with a read-request, I am prompted for sending
disposition notification.
Sounds great!
So, the disposition notification is sent
only if I wish.
Yes, indeed!
Is there any specific reason why I am prompted? Can
> From our helpdesk...
>In Safari v1.x, the New Message button and the Delete links do not work.
Can they not upgrade to Safari 2.x or 3.x? (Just asking, as I'm not a
Mac user, but I do know Safari 1.x is _way_ behind the times, and won't
work on _many_ web site
Quoting Matthew Maddox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I haven't heard from anyone. Does anyone have a solution for this issue?
There is not currently a solution. You can set the refresh rate to a longer
time period so it happens less often, but there is no solution.
> -Original Message-
> From
Quoting Liam Hoekenga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Has anyone compared the various PHP opcode caches with an eye towards
> Horde / IMP? We're currently running eAccelerator, but I've also
> built xcache and APC. What are people running out there?
I used to run APC, now I run IonCube phpa. My choice
Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> As long as folks will test two more RCs and not just one, I see no
> reason not to release more RCs (at least for Horde/IMP/DIMP) now. If
As long as there is a realistic amount of time between RC releases,
most people will test them all.
People won'
Quoting Jan Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I don't see this.
All of my IE 6 users see this, and no one else does...
I opened a bug with a patch that seems to make it work for everyone
again, though I'm not sure if it is a correct patch, or if it just breaks
things in a non-obtrusive way, etc.
imp/js/src/redbox.js,v from FRAMEWORK_3 (the latest update)
seems to break the "reply" field in the message view for MS IE 6 (works
fine in all other browsers). When you move the mouse over the "reply"
link of a message, the screen goes more-or-less blank. In other other
browsers, it ope
Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Quoting Eric Jon Rostetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> I will confirm that it is confusing to many people.
> Do you, or any of your users, have suggestions on how to make it clearer?
Help file would be the only thing I
Quoting Fábio Almeida <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi, I believe I've found a bug or at least weird behaviour in Imp H3 (
> 4.2-RC2).
I can not reproduce it (though my users agree with you that it is broken
until I explain it to them).
> When I open a message for reading, there is a little "Forward" m
Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Ah... is that configurable?
> Not currently.
But it is a simple patch to imp/mailbox.php:
Index: mailbox.php
RCS file: /repository/imp/mailbox.php,v
retrieving revision 2.617.4.7
> Dear All,
> As the title,
Did you get this working, or not?
> 'quota' => array(
>'driver' => 'command',
> 'params' => array(
> 'quota_path' => 'sudo quota',
> 'grep_path' => 'sudo grep',
>'partition' => '/dev/sda2'
Quoting Winnie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> How can I show user "quota" for using imap "dovecot" in "PASSWD"/"IMP"???
Dovecot supports 4 types of quota (fs, dirsize, dict, and maildir). You would
need to say which one you are using before we could really try to help you.
(Also, there is a new quota sy
Quoting Anant Athavale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> As per my experience mysql is much much better.
Nice that a reason why was provided...
> Regards,
> Anant.
> Quoting Alejandro Lengua <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Which one is better for Horde?
Neither is better. Which one is better for your envir
'port' => 993,
> 'folders' => 'mail/',
> 'namespace' => '',
> 'maildomain' => 'machine.com',
> 'smtphost' => 'mail.machine.com',
> 'realm' => &
Quoting Yoseff Francus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I am using imap-uw in case it makes any difference. One new data point
> that may help. When I authenticate using MIMP I get logged in almost
> instantly it is only with imp that it takes forever to get logged in.
The only reason I can think of would
his doesn't sound like the case for either
of the recent complaints.
> On Wed, 27 Jun 2007, Eric Jon Rostetter wrote:
>> Quoting Darrell Budic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> Strange problem I havn't been able to track down here: After logging
Quoting Darrell Budic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Strange problem I havn't been able to track down here: After logging
> in to Horde, the web browser clears the screen, then things pause for
> 30 seconds to a few minutes, and then my sidebar and horde portal
> page come up normally, and IMP runs fine f
Quoting Andrew Morgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Sat, 9 Jun 2007, Son Truong wrote:
>> Are these default settings in Apache or Apache2? I built httpd-2.2.4
>> straight from the download. So when installed it puts its default
>> httpd.conf to which I edited...
Red Hat packages for either one wor
Quoting Son Truong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I did a search of the mailing list and came up with a post date 2005!
The reason you didn't find it in the FAQ anymore, and had to go back to
2005 (I'm surprised it is that recent) is that the settings you reference
are the default settings in Apache, and
Quoting Martin Waschbuesch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi all,
> I was just looking at some possibilities to improve performance of
> IMP. Does it make sense to use imapproxy even if IMP and the IMAP
> server in question are on the same machine? Or will that just mean
> additional overhead?
> Thank
Quoting Juan Carlos Flores <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I use postfix and put the quota of 10 MB. What can i do to show
user's quota if the users are stored in a database (mysql)?
In the CVS HEAD version, there is an SQL based quota driver for IMP.
I guess there isn't one for the current stable rele
Quoting Juan Carlos Flores <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I am using debian sarge / horde3 / imp4 / postfix / dovecot and
mysql for the configuration in mail server. I have virtual users and
one domain. The users are stored in my database (mysql).
What could i do to show user's quota when th
Quoting Juan Carlos Flores <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
apache2 on debian sarge, I have users on my database but I have some
problems with quotas.
Not sure what you mean "users on my database" but if they are virtual
users with no home directory on the filesystem, then the command quota
driver won't
Quoting Juan Carlos Flores <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
/var/log/apache2/error.log :try `grep --help' for more
information.quota: User [EMAIL PROTECTED] doesn't exist.
Sounds like two problems... One, your grep command doesn't seem to like
the syntax being passed for some reason. Not sure why, but
46 matches
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